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This much is likely obvious, but this chapter is throwing me off. I'm having to manage a couple of the complexities of the plot line along with more research. It's dragging me down quite a bit, but I'm still working on it. At this point, I've got a large chapter stored up, so I might need to split it up for flow reasons.

Either way, still present and working, but I just haven't made enough progress to justify daily updates on my activities. It's kind of strange since they end up sounding the same to me.



I believe there are plenty of us that have been reading your work for years at this point. I for one don't mind the time it takes as long as you continue the story. You and this story have come a long way since the first chapter hit royal road.

Connor Alexander

Thanks for the wastage to let us know you live, and I can say for myself I’m glad you’re taking the time you need, and you’re well into more difficult territory now. If it takes time, it takes time, but thanks for signaling how it is.


No worries quality takes time


Thanks for the continued updates. Keep being a voice in the dark and none shall be lost!


Thank you, appreciate the update! Take the time you need and don't feel pressure to get a chapter out. An update is good enough for me and I'm sure many others feel the same.


Isn't the point of early patreon chapters so you can release them and we let you know if they are fucked up prior to you posting on RR?


Take your time, dont let yourself get too bogged down in the 'science' of black holes or astrophysics if that's proving to be problematic, between the existence of eldritch, magic/mana and so on gives you plenty of room to take liberties with how this scenario might work out in real life, if it where ever possible. I mean even star-trek improvised when science did hot have a solid answer for what they wanted to do in a story. If it's good enough for those shows, it should be fine here :)


Well can we have a POV from our favorite necromancer and his arguments. That may take the edge off

Terry Stevens

Man, it’s not that we are trying to pressure you, more like you have gone AWOL before, and the updates, no matter if they are lame or not, just lets us know that you haven’t fell back down into the rabbits butthole.




Men updates are welcome


Id say go for 2week writing/2week vacation or idea generation schedule


It gets like that sometimes, take your time and keep communicating. As long as we know where you are we can stick with you.


Channeling all my good vibes for Monsoon. May his mentals be strong and his chapters forever sooth my addiction. Amen.


Any updates at this point? Still working or going on another break? It's been a month+ since last chapter.


Daily, weekly, or biweekly updates are appreciated even if they don't feel necessary.


I guess I'll see you on RR if this ever comes back. I hope it does. You've got a good story here.


Hope you can get past this writer's block mate!

Mason Sudul

Im rereading the story for like the 10th time and im surprised this never came to mind but was yawm and his effect on people inspired by Nurgle from Warhammer?


If it would be possible for an update as this is coming up on a month since the last one I’m sure everyone would definitely appreciate it, like not necessarily a new chapter just an update on how everything’s going.


Hey bud, Its been a month of no contact. Like I said at the beginning, a lack of communication, not a lack of contact is why I left your patreon and why I will now. Ill come back in 3-6months and check in, but I cannot support a creator who doesn't communicate with the people who pay for his ability to focus on writing. Take care.


Just popped in to make sure I'm still a patreon.....hope everything is going well. I love the story.


Leaving due to lack of update. Don't mind lack is chapters, but when you don't even keep us informed you are telling us you don't want our money.


hope you are doing well


Hey man it's been 2 months and we haven't heard anything from you are you doing alright please just give us an update on you and on anything So we know that you're still with us.


I’m gonna be dipping from the Patreon if there isn’t an update or anything by the 31st, purely because I can’t afford to be pledged to something when I’m getting nothing from it, if/when you do return know you’ll have me back as a patron but until that time I’m unfortunately going to have to put a pause on my contributions.


At this point I'm starting to worry something is actually wrong....


Unless something is wrong(my bad if there is)it is frankly ridiculous that we don’t hear from you for over 2 months. You just received over 2000$ with practically no results. I’m not trying to be ungrateful as this is one of the best stories I’ve ever read and I won’t be unsubscribing but many of us are the same in that we can’t keep paying for something that produces nothing. We are here because we believe this story should exist in all it’s quirky glory and we are willing to pay for that to happen. We want to see this succeed but the fact is we are paying for something that is showing us nothing in return. It’s showing us that it doesn’t want our money. That it doesn’t want to exist. Again, I could be wrong. Something could be happening behind the scenes but to keep this from fading from our collective minds and hearts, we implore and beg of you to please give us something to hold on to. Something to bring us hope for a better future. I hope this message reaches your eyes. I hope to speak for all your patrons when I say, we hope you are well and thank you for a fantastic story.