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Finished the chapter, but I'm too exhausted to edit and post. I got home late hanging out with some family, and it was a lot of fun. Anyways, it's a really, really exciting chapter, so I hope you guys are pumped for it.



Understandable, have a nice day


All good bro 🙂


Really enjoying the updates and being kept in the loop, keep up the brilliant work


Consistent communication is great, thanks for the updates. Previously I know you weren't always in the best headspace and had some gaps in updates, so I honestly am glad you're more open on progress updates and feel more comfortable with this platform as a space to share them, not just milestones/output. It's all about the holistic view.

Michael Moore

I may be the odd one out here, but I kind of liked being out of the loop. It was always a pleasant surprise when I saw a new chapter had been posted.

Terry Stevens

Dude, you are, like, so cruel. Not even the fun kind of cruel, but the vicious, bloodthirsty kind of cruel. Why world, have you unleashed your most unfavoured son upon us?

Anthony Romanov

Just don't forget to feed your pet readers after having a wonderful morning 😀


I wish there was a way to post these progress updates while muting the e-mail. Kinda annoying since, at least on my phone, it just says "monsoon117 shared:..." I like the updates, but I don't like the fake dopamine from thinking: "oh boy, new chapter!"


whats going on, i am excited but no chapter (


Patience is virtue my friend, hopefully a few more hours :)