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I'm resetting my caffiene tolerance, so I'm dealing with some headaches. I tried pushing through, but I'm not liking how the chapter's turning out when I do. I'm just going to relax for the rest of day. I'll hit it hard tommorrow, and I know where I need to go regarding the story. The issue is how distracting the headaches are.

Enjoy your days guys, and I'll see you tommorrow.




Terry Stevens

Fucking love that your taking charge and making no apologies for it. Go Monsoon!

Code Reed

I've had to do that once or twice myself. I feel ya. No worries man.

Anthony Romanov

Just seat back and relax 😌. See you next time


Caffeine withdrawal ain't fun, rest well dear author of the cataclysm

Alex I

Appreciate the update, hope the headaches pass soon.


Hey was wondering if this means we will only get 3 chaps until your 2 days off or?


Thanks for the update man. Consistency is key, virtue is attained every day. Keep communication open and I'll be more than happy to continue supporting you.


Hey man; Just wanna say do not be disheartened by the situations going on, You're doing a killer job with the story, and the communication is honestly incredibly appreciated!


Thanks for the update but it might last longer to reset ur caffeine tolerance


we shall see you when the chapter is out. gl with the woes

Zachary Smith

Nice dude you’re a strong guy, stick to the caffeine strike and get lit 🔥


Thanks for communicating with us. It’s super appreciated by most, if not all of us. Godspeed sir, godspeed.


You're just doing this to extend the cliffhanger of the previous chapter. Can't fool hod


See you next month !


I had half as much the day before yesterday, and I'm continuing for several days after. Yesterday was killing me though, especially midday.


Just embrace the addiction. Caffeine is rookie shit. I'll forgive you when it's reseting g your cocaine habit. Lol.


Daniels automatic response would be blunt force trauma repeatedly until whatever it was agreed with him. I like it lmao