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Hey guys. Just letting you all know I'm taking off today and likely tommorrow as well. Sorry for not letting you all know yesterday, and I didn't want to leave you all hanging for another few days while you anticipate the chapters.

This next chapter is important for the rest of the story, and I really want to nail it. I'm taking a few days to solidify the direction before moving on. I hope you all understand.

I'll begin posting again on Sunday.


Knight Axel

Have a nice break dude, can't wait for the next chapters :)


I can’t wait, it’s gonna be exciting

Connor Alexander

Thanks for telling us, hope you enjoy your break!


Sounds good.


Enjoy the rest and can't wait to read the next chapter. You've done a great job so far


Enjoy man

Maxime Cusson

No worries, see you when it gets out 😁


Excited for the chapters. Have fantastic break :)


Thanks for letting us know. Take the time you need.


Look, I don't care what reason you give, even be it chasing a magical unicorn in the hopes of achieving world peace. As long as you keep communicating with us I'm happy. Write the story you want at the best pace you know how to. As long as you enjoy writing about Daniel, I'll continue reading it with delight. Tl;dr: Be transparant, communicate


Totally understandable, looking forward to the chapter when your ready.

Terry Stevens

Its alright, its okay, we still love you anyway.


In my opinion the hardest part in writing a story is what each chapter is going to be called.

Code Reed

We all need some time to ourselves once in a while. No problem man.


I'm just hoping for one more chapter before the new month... hate to have to pay for that cliffhanger resolution... come on who is the all powerful ai going to introduce first?


Any news on the next chapter?


Monsoon needs a discord to tell us stuff like this.


Agreed. Can take all the time he need but not cool with no communication at all.

Alex I

The lack of any communication is annoying enough but being this late with a post after promising is mainly just insulting. Either take the time to tell us you need more time or don't, being wishy washy is just rude to the people who support you.


An update would be appreciated. I've supported you multiple times due to the strength of your story and the ability to pick yourself up through the shame of making false promises. I have stopped supporting you multiple times due to your inability to be strong with your words when it counts outside the story. It is reaching that time again.


Man y’all have no patience, just wait a couple days. What, do you think that some scalding reprimands will make him rethink his life choices? Goodness.


I'm cant talk for everyone but personally its not that I cant wait or am impatient but more that monsoon doesnt communicate about this stuff, I dont agree with people bashing him at all however I can understand why some are upset


You do you. I love this story and I enjoy supporting you. Don’t feel ashamed or get caught up in any dark cycles. You do good work, and that’s enough for me.


"I'll begin posting again on Sunday" he didn't say witch sunday!