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A little rough start in the video, but it ends on a strong note in my opinion.


March Update: Things are Going Good



Just watched the vid. It's nice to have you back. I agree these past few months with everything going on have really fubard sleep and motivation. I, personally, wouldn't mind a lower word count per month, say 35k, if you kept it consistent. From your video it might be an idea to keep a small backlog of work from patreon. That way when you need to you have a fall back and can do editing without so much pressure from us oafs. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Bob.


You're doing great work and the quality of work is fantastic. Keep up the good work!


Work like Balzac. If the french writer in 18th? century could do that with feather and ink, so can you. 5 chapters a day, Sundays are rest days with 3 chapters. He became just a lil bit crazy.

Terry Stevens

I am also with Bob. But also, I love the chapters being longer, it is always more satisfying. The high last longer. The chapter where Daniel recruited Diesel with the golems kind of hurt, due to how short it was. Honestly, I would be more than fine with one long chapter per week, rather than many small chapters all week. Keep up the good work. Stay safe and well. Thank you so much. You, and all the other Authors have helped to keep us all sane in turn during this Ding Dastic Disaster.


The pressure I put on myself is much higher than the pressure you guys apply. I must confront it instead of running from it, otherwise it will consume me. Thank you for letting me know that I have some excess slack should the need arise. It always feels good to be appreciated.


That guy died at 51. I'd rather live longer and write for an extra 20 years, along with having fun along the way.


Good point. I've got my months mixed up lol.


I think I found a Harbinger´s legion advertisement on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iok7lSET91Q


In all honesty, the advertisement campaign should show what regular members can do. IDK how long until gialgathens are allowed to clean Earth´s dungeons, but legion needs to get ahead of other galactic forces before they arive. The eldritch cavalry should play a major role, due to their high mobility - and uniqueness. It is important to show off the strong attributes of human part of the legion, like you would not be forever just toilet cleaner for gialgathens or lich, but you can become officer, city owner, scientist all based on your efforts and talents.


Congratulations for finding a schedule that really works for you.


Can’t say it any simpler. Your awesome. Like Wintergatan, you basically developed a life style and philosophy for productivity. Not just anyone can do that..

Joey McGowan

oh neat, you have videos! Finally putting a face to the author.