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So I tried to finish the chapter for today I mentioned in yesterday's chapter comments. I was editing for hours, and when I finished, I found an 8,000 word chapter staring me in the face. Needless to say, I was exhausted, so I won't be posting the chapter today. I'll finish it tomorrow.

To stifle the tides of disappointment that shall no doubt radiate from you all, I am posting a link to a codex I created to help me organize the story. It is by no means perfect, and it's sort of out of date with certain sections. It does have a status sheet, skill sheet, a factions list, character list, and a few other nifty features.

In particular, there are links at the beginning that help you explore portions of the document as you need too. Explore it at your leisure, and let me know if there are any glaring deficiencies down below.




Thanks Monsoon! Editing is tough, go take a well deserved rest m8.


This is a small book and really helpful!

Blake Richardson

Thanks for the update and looking forward to tomorrow’s chapter!

Conor McGroarty

Was thisbey thorn 9000? I thought he was around 3000 but maybe I just remembered wrong? Also Florence’s data underneath Obolis is not there and Obolis data repeats though not sure if intentional. Delilath has a level under her affiliations (May also need to check the chapter to remind if the level is correct). Also, is the seeker Kregawa the same species as that floating orb thing that was talking to that Kysar and was pushy with their religion that involved sharing body, not speaking and such? Cause I think the names are similar (if not the same). Also, Baldowah is kinda like Khorne from Warhammer 40k and Etormah is like Tzeentch. Wonder if there was some inspiration there (speaking of, there is a great series on YouTube called “if the emperor had a text to speech device” and is well worth anyone’s time https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyiDf91_bTEgnBN0jAvzNbqzrlMGID5WA )


I've never read or played any warhammer 20K games. The part of them that I have seen is these really cool, short animations on youtube. Outside of that, nadda. I tried basing the Old Ones off of Lovecraft's cosmic horror. It's an intensely difficult to describe and execute concept, so the comparison might be lost. Kregawa is the golemite from that chapter I believe.


Will you be posting here exclusively? Especially with GT going down and all


I'll be posting to Royal Road as well. GT takes about 30-40 minutes just to post the chapter, not even the announcement. Their website is so slow, it's incredible. If I did that same kind of schedule for Royal road and for Patreon, I would spend 2 whole hours posting everytime I had to. That's a massive time sink. Combine that with the lower viewcount, and I just don't think GT is worth it.


My one question IS WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE ABLE TO CONTROL AND IMPROVE YOUR LUCK!!? It's so insane and has not been explored and is my eternal mystery with this story


I shall do my best to make a character entirely based on it, and their journey shall illustrate everything to do with luck. They could be a goofy side character of sorts.