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Hey guys, it's been a while.

I'll try to be honest here. Writing has been difficult for me recently. Normally when I stop writing it's because I'm lacking focus or motivation. I've sat and rewrote this current chapter about 4 times, and I'm being overly critical. I'm also making the process painful for myself. I haven't been managing my relationship with writing, and that sucks.

I'm not going to stop writing, but I really need to change my approach. I've trying to set up my entire life for writing. I don't know if that's healthy over the long term. Writing used to be something that added to my life, and now it's something that consumes me. I spend all my energy on it, and then I'm left with nothing.

I'll be trying to do other things, socialize, workout, even play videogame or read. I'll find myself underperforming in those areas, and before I know it, I'll be criticizing myself for it. I'm doing that with everything recently. It's a sort of mental hole, a psychological pathology I'm committing against myself. I need to iron it out, and that might take time.

I want to write more. I want it more than anything. I just need to sort some stuff out for now, and that's why I'm pausing pledges this month. Thank you all for understanding should you choose to do so. I also don't blame any of you for being frustrated. I'm frustrated with myself too, so I understand the sentiment.

Regardless, I hope you all have a wonderful new year and had a merry Christmas. May you all find wonderful books that are fulfilling.



I hope you can find the joy on writing again, i love reading your stories

Terry Stevens

Hey mate. My view is that I would prefer you to stop writing for six months or however long you need, than for you to stop writing ever. Take the time you need. We will all be here waiting. But do keep posting updates, so that we know that you are still alive. Merry new year, and best wishes.


Hope everything works out! I survived frost’s hiatus. Hope you find everything you need and more. Happy new year!


No dramas mate, take what time you need to sort your stuff out


Don't worry about it. Nobody wants you to start the new year with a burn out. Take your time. If we couldn't wait we wouldn't be here 👍. PS. Happy new year to everyone.


No worries mate, it's understandable. Have a Merry Christmas and good luck in life during the New Year and beyond!

Azuolas Korsakas

It happens fam. No worries. And if you need some gaming buddies just hit me up. Im shit in most games but its fun playing anyway. Merry crit-mas and a happy new year from you patreons


Happy new year! Do not worry about it and it will work itself out over time. Enjoy the holidays!

Charles handgis

Take your time man, we all need breaks sometimes to figure stuff out. Happy New Years will be here when you get back.

Bert Peeters

Happy new year but yeah writer's block rehab is real if you want to play a game id suggest outer wilds its goty for me :D


Happy New Year Monsoon and Good Luck on figuring out what works for you.


Your writing is a gift bro. I'm so glad I found it. But your under no obligation to burn out making it. Good luck on working out your balance (I certainly can't give advice I have the reverse problem😂) and ask a loved one for a hug. You sound like you need it💜


I've read this through a full 3 times now, finishing just before the new year. This has been one of the most enjoyable series I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I think you more than deserve some time to catch up on yourself! Find some time to enjoy this new year!

Scott Frederiksen

You're amazing and your writing has been nothing but top notch. Take care of yourself first, then let the wiring flow. No pressure, there's plenty to read. I'd rather wait for your best then have you burn yourself out even if the quality is the same.

Sean Ulrich

Happy New Year Everybody!

Some BS Deity

Take a break my friend, we'd rather you enjoy this than die in the process. Got plenty of books to tide me over until you are ready again.


Thanks for letting us know what's going on. You are a lot more responsible than a good part of other authors.


Wow! I really admire your courage! It's hard To be true to oneself. Take care, take the time you need :) dont forget that there specialist if you feel lost in your process :)


Tell us who dared to call you noob in your games and we gonna bully them.


When will he become [Harbinger of Apocalypse]?


did it end ?

Sebas Tian

Had to cancel all patreons for a bit, be back to support you when I can.


Don't worry about it, ever, please. I don't want to put a financial burden on people with my content. I want it to be an easy pledge that doesn't involve a ton of effort.