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This is much like the last time I paused my pledges. I simply haven't given you guys enough value to justify your donations. I look at this as a business of passion. You guys are donating so that I can pursue my passion, and that means chapters, publishing progress, etc. I haven't been focused lately, partially from confidence issues which are probably unfounded and also because I've let myself become distracted from what I love to do.

It sucks, because the longer I wait to post the more anxiety I get. I doubt myself, rethink, and rewrite over and over. Before I now it, I've spun my wheels so much that I've dug myself into a ditch and I can't get out of my funk.

Either way, I know this is disappointing for you guys. I'm sorry. I really am. I'm going to focus on calming my attitude towards writing some and try to have fun with it, because I'm pushing myself into an imaginary corner. Unfortunately for both of us, it isn't helping me.

Either way, I want you guys to know I think about the New World every day, and I will finish it. I have absolutely no intentions of dropping this story at all. Only death would stop me in that regard. You don't have to worry about that.

So until I'm industrious enough with my writing, I won't ask for donations. It's not fair to you guys, and you guys are awesome. Mistreating you guys is like mistreating my friends, and that's not the kind of person I want to be.

Thank you all for your understanding and support. I'm going to refocus. I always do.


Mason Sudul

Do whatever you gotta do dude. Your story is amazing and you'll get out of this funk in no time.

Bobby B.

😤 take your time, I'm sad, don't get me wrong, but I want you in a good place mentally more, ya?

Scott Frederiksen

Yeah, I love your story so much. It is one if the most well thought out concepts I read and the character is very real for someone/thing so unreal. Take whatever time you need and I commend and appreciate your integrity in regards to pausing pledges. That's very gracious. I wish you luck both for you and us xD but I can only imagine the back and forth you just go through. I've had ideas and concepts that I want to write but I can never get very far because I overthink everything. So the world you've built already is a testament to your abilities. 😁


You do you, get yourself back together, then keep writing

Sebas Tian

to be honest I think the best thing you could do in regard to the rewriting issue is to finish writing a chapter, post in with a version 1 in the name. then if you are dissatisfied you can go back and edit it while also taking in feedback on the chapter. it will also give us content to enjoy, and while you might feel it as a cheep or fake version due to it not being as polished as a actual chapter would be. I, and I think many others would still prefer that. all in all do what you think is best.


Do what you need to do mate


Take as much time as you need to get yourself together. As far as passion for writing goes, that is something I can perfectly understand. Whenever you're ready to come back, we'll all be eagerly waiting for your next release. We all love your writing and appreciate the time, effort, and of course, the pain you go through. Thank you for one of the greatest novels I've read to date!

Tommy Littlefield

Thanks for the heads up also thanks for having the integrity to do this a lot of authors out there will just stop writing and not say anything and keep collecting money from people I really appreciate that you don’t try and pull that kinda stuff now take care of yourself and get your head in the right place again my dude 👍

Prinny Knight

Go for a walk, get angry at GoT, play some games and chill, wait a month and if you happen to remember about writing your story, slide in to it chillaxed my dude -dood-


This is what holidays are for, don't pause pledges, but take a couple of weeks and fly somewhere where there is a nice beach.


Best wishes! As I said before, breaks are normal, not everyone jas a will over 9000 ;)

Azuolas Korsakas

Take your time bud. We aint going anywhere


Happy to wait considering how good it is :D


Don't worry about it bud, I'll personally always support ya.


Hope things go well. Maybe trying to light heartedly brain storm different paths the story could take to help get some ideas for the story itself? Turn it into a game to see how things may differently unfold. Not in depth writing but general plot points.

Nigel Franklin

This was an honorable move and the fact that you did it only makes me respect you. I'll be there to support when you get back to writing.

Corwin Amber

Take your time. Hope you feel back in the groove soon :)


Very honourable. I was hoping you would do something like this. I just ceased my pledge a few days ago as I was wondering what was going on. I respect you for this move.


yeah I like it this this idea I mean find a place you want to go to and use that place you go to as a part of what you want to put on your story find things around the world to inspire you more its your own book and we can only give you some ideas and suggestions on how to use it for you book it's your decision if you wanted in your book or not.


Do what you need to do for your own health,


just keep plugging along


I wanted to point out Mel Robbins and the 5 Second Rule. If you don't act on things within 5 seconds your brain will kill the idea/intent to act. So, just begin and see where you get


Proud u got through it dude


You are an honorable man of great character. I appreciate your honesty and respect this move. That said, I'm still excited to see this story through to its conculsion :)


Dont worry about it. Your Novel is awesome!