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This chapter is a series of descriptions for the items detailed in chapter 198. This is a post mainly so that people can avoid having to reread the previous chapter in order to get this info, which a lot of people wanted. Hope you guys enjoy. I might make this into a series if there's a lot of positive feedback from this.

Krog Borom's and Chrona Carsiary's Armors:

A Corrupting Sunrise(lvl req: N/A | Race: Gialgathen | Size: Enormous | Type: Light) - Created from the condensed dimensional fabric, this metallic substance holds many properties that are advantageous to battle. When encased in this substance, the wielder's dimensional stability enhances, giving them resistance to attacks on the plane that the wearer stands.

This acts out as dimensional resistance. The sheer toughness of the compound is remarkable as well, giving it far more durability than steel or even orichalcum. This applies nearly all known kinds of damage, from chemical to elemental, it matters little when putting this armor between you and the coming damage type.

The effects are limited to just armor as well. The many ingrained gemstones can act as mana batteries, giving the wielder tremendous enhancements to their effective mana pool. At the same time, large injections of this mana will act as a stimulant, creating unnatural levels of ferocity and fury in subjects using this armor.

It can even extend the life of the wielder, offering enhanced vitality and regenerative effects to those that wield this tool. Though potent, use these features with caution. The long-term effects of using this energy source are unknown. Likely personality loss and long term brain damage can be inflicted with continuous use.

That being said, the protective properties come with nearly no drawbacks. For a gialgathen, this is an incredible tool to have in their arsenal.

The Harbinger's Gift:

[+100 Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Willpower.

+50 Intelligence, Perception, and Luck

+10,000 health | +1,000 health regen/min

-10% to Charisma | -10% to Mana Regeneration | +10% to Health Regeneration]

(Positive bonuses doubled if member of Harbinger's Legion | Does not stack with other items carrying a Harbinger's enhancement)

2,000,000/2,000,000 Mana Stored

+50,000 Health | +1,000 Health Regen/min

-10% to Charisma | -10% to Mana Regeneration | +60% to damage resistances

Bonuses doubled for a member of Harbinger's Legion. Bonuses don't stack with copies of a Harbinger's enhancement. Excess mana is siphoned to Dimension C-138.

Torix's Armor and Staff:

The Blighted Web(lvl req: 6,000 | Race: Bipedal | Size: Medium | Type: Heavy) - This protective wear is composed of condensed dimensional fabric plates and wires of the same material. Many of these wires reinforce the joints, creating a web of protective armor.

Heavy yet functional, it ensures that its wearer will stay in one piece even under tremendous kinetic damage. Nearly all known damage types are mitigated as well, a capable mana press going so far as repelling most spells from even reaching the wearer. Many gemstones have been charged with volatile mana on this armor as well.

Runic inscriptions aid the wielder in wielding the energy, but its a calculated risk to use it unless the wearer is very skilled and has excellent willpower.

This nigh absolute protection comes at a cost, however - the armor is very heavy. Weighing in at nearly 3,000 pounds, it requires a high strength stat to walk around in. Think of putting it on a long range artillery mage or technician. Warping abilities prevent the armor from being impossible to wield as well, along with gravitational magics.

All in all, it's an armor designed to protect and synergize with long range combat.

The Harbinger's Blessing:

[+65 Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Willpower, Intelligence, Perception, and Luck

+5,000 health | +500 health regen/min

-10% to Mana Regeneration | +10% to Health Regeneration]

(Positive bonuses doubled if a member of Harbinger's Legion | Does not stack with other items carrying a Harbinger's enhancement)

1,500,000/1,500,000 Mana Stored

+75% to damage resistances | +75,000 health | +500 health regeneration/min

Elemental Elocution(lvl req: 6,000 | Race: Any | Size: Medium | Type: Heavy) - This is a heavy, durable staff embedded with several augmenters. First and foremost, it enhances the effects of elemental magics. Though taking time to master, siphoning mana through various gemstones eases the conversion of origin mana into various elements. This enables further power and intensity when wielding these kinds of offensive spells.

The other augmenter is oriented around one's speaking ability. By enhancing the feel and voice of the wielder, it gives them a menacing aura. The last enhancer is simple yet effective: a mass manipulator. By channeling mana into the bottom of the staff, the density of the matter increases. This is useful when wielding the staff as a club as a last resort.

Normally, a mage would never, under any circumstance, use their staff as a physical weapon. Most staffs are composed of woods that lose their strength and resilience within a few years. Given the unique nature of this staff's composition, that shouldn't be a problem.

The Harbinger's Blessing:

[+65 Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Willpower, Intelligence, Perception, and Luck

+5,000 health | +500 health regen/min

-10% to Mana Regeneration | +10% to Health Regeneration]

(Positive bonuses doubled if member of Harbinger's Legion | Does not stack with other items carrying a Harbinger's enhancement)

500,000/500,000 Mana Stored

+50% to damage of elemental spells | +10% elemental piercing

Unique Skill: Overwhelming Presence - only active while wielding weapon

Althea's armor, rifle, and chains:

An Everchanging Remedy(lvl Requirement: 5,000 | Type: Bidpedal | Size: Medium | Type: Light) - This nano-fiber mesh has been reinforced with dimensional wiring, enabling both flexibility and lightness in combat. Through intelligent design, this protective gear is also flexible, enabling the shifting of the wearer's body. Combining the protection of power armor with the lightness of kevlar, this is an excellent body armor for any mobile combatant.

Two other features were added outside of these designs as well. The first involves runic enhancements that increase the balance of the wielder. The second feature is a set of injectors that allow the wielder to push potions and stimulants into the blood mid-fight. This dramatically enhances the potency of whatever liquid is administered.

These traits create an adaptable suit of armor for adapting combatants.

The Harbinger's Gift:

[+100 Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Willpower.

+50 Intelligence, Perception, and Luck

+10,000 health | +1,000 health regen/min

-10% to Charisma | -10% to Mana Regeneration | +10% to Health Regeneration]

(Positive bonuses doubled if member of Harbinger's Legion | Does not stack with other items carrying a Harbinger's enhancement)

Potions stored: Eagle's Eye, Hurricane, Hastening potion(tier III)

+15,000 health | +1,000 health regeneration/min

+40% to damage resistances

+50% to effect of aiming and balance skills

The Wake of Destruction(lvl req: 7,000 | Type: Rifle | Size: Medium) - This is a highly modified railgun that uses a series of mass manipulators to enhance the speed of the bullets fired. In this case, it fires harpoons instead of bullets, giving the gun excellent stopping power.

This weapon isn't limited to just enhancing the bullets, however. A built in battery system composed of durable diamonds increases the wielder's deft and handling of their mana. This in combination with the accuracy and precision enhancements make the item devastating in combat.

This devastation isn't limited to a range either. The rifle itself is hard, heavy, and dense enough to be used as a makeshift bludgeon. Another mass manipulator in the stock allows the wielder to enhance this effect further, making it even heavier than it would otherwise be. A bayonet attachment gives the wielder slicing potential, giving access to multiple damage types as well.

These factors combine into an effective killing weapon designed with practical use in mind.

The Harbinger's Gift:

[+100 Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Willpower

+50 Intelligence, Perception, and Luck

+10,000 health | +1,000 health regen/min

-10% to Charisma | -10% to Mana Regeneration | +10% to Health Regeneration]

(Positive bonuses doubled if member of Harbinger's Legion | Does not stack with other items carrying a Harbinger's enhancement)

500/500 railgun shot enhancements left in mana reserves

+200% to critical hit damage

+100% to shot speed

+75% to accuracy and precision of shots

A Dark Prison(lvl req: 5,000 | Type: Chain and Blades | Size: Medium) - These pitch black chains end in blades, designed to be whipped at a moderate distance. Heavy and unwieldly, these weapons require extensive training in order to prevent self harm. If mastered, they allow for multiple styles of combat.

Simply wrapping someone in chains and squeezing can be deadly if applied with enough force. Considering the strength required to wield this weapon, that should be a given if the wielder can swing A Dark Prison. The chains also allow the wielder to tie up melee combatants, giving them a measure of control against rushing foes.

At its most extreme, the wielder can use the blades themselves at the edge of their range. This is difficult for many reasons. The chains create a delay as the blade lags behind in the swing. Knowing the exact distance of the weapon is also challenging. Those factors aside, the leverage and whip this weapon can create is intense, allowing the condensed dimensional fabric to slice almost any foe.

Use with caution.

The Harbinger's Gift:

[+100 Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Willpower.

+50 Intelligence, Perception, and Luck

+10,000 health | +1,000 health regen/min

-10% to Charisma | -10% to Mana Regeneration | +10% to Health Regeneration]

(Positive bonuses doubled if member of Harbinger's Legion | Does not stack with other items carrying a Harbinger's enhancement)

+300% Critical Hit Damage(with blades)

+50% Critical Hit Damage



Let me know if I messed up any math or if its confusing to interpret. These took longer than I thought they would, but the reason for the delayed release of the next chapter was because my older brother came to my place this weekend. We ended up taking turns on each mission in Doom, which was a ton of fun. Should have the chapter out tomorrow now that I'm back on the job and whatnot. Figured this should sate some of you guys till then. I'll add these to the previous chapter after refining them with your inputs.


First of all I enjoyed this.


Thanks I really really like this style of chapters


In the runic description of torix’s armor there is a possible “its” that seems out of place. When describing torix’s staff the words augmenter and enhancer seem weird to me. Augmenter could almost always be augment or augments. Enhancer could be enhancement but that could just be my own word preferences. The one that really stuck out was when describing the battery on the rail gun. “Enable the weilder to lack deft and handling of their mana” it feels like either the and is superfluous or there is a missing word.

Joshua Little

Most of the health regens on items lack a time reference. Per min. Do the debuffs also double for legion people? Isn't Torix a charisma build, wouldn't the -10-20% debuff on his gear ruin him? Not to mention the mana regen.


Getting these descriptions is nice. I didn't find any of them confusing but I did find it odd that the later descriptions have references to previous ones, example would be "Yet another mass manipulator". It feels like schema's system is expecting anyone who reads the info on these creations has read them all in order.


Maybe this is only an issue on mobile, but this post is a giant wall of text


Cancel that, I found the issue


all of these posts are walls of text... It's a story... I hope they continue to be walls of text.


These are solid points. All health regeneration bonuses are in a per minute basis, which I'll add. The charisma point is very viable as well, so I'll go out and shift that around as well. He designed his gear with that in mind, so I'll shift the specific bonus that he gets to orient it around the specifications outlined in the chapter. The debuffs don't double for legion people, just the bonuses. I'll make that more clear.


It is a very strange description for the railgun. I'll go back and change that. I use enhancer and augmenter interchangeably. I inject word variation throughout most of my chapters just to spruce the prose up. It can result in confusion if I don't use a suitable synonym.