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We left our hotel, each of us geared up and ready for war. We traveled out of Yildraza, the city lights shooting up into the sky. Torix hovered, keeping himself and Tohtella afloat with magic. Althea and I ran, destroying portions of the scenery as we leaped and dashed.

We stopped, regrouping just shy of the silver's territory. We stood in a circle, everyone looking at me. With cool wind at my back and soft ground under my feet, I stood up straight.

I raised a hand, "Look everybody. There's some fucked up shit deep in silver territory. I mean it. Keep your head down and execute the plan. Don't think about failure. Don't think about your surroundings. Focus on the mission."

I clasped my hand into a fist, 

"Merjects will dive from above. If they get ahold of you, they'll suck your brains out. Flesh Whales are vulnerable to fire but keep your distance. Their blood is hard to escape. Don't fall asleep on the ground. There's a thousand things that want to use your body as their egg sack."

Althea winced. Tohtella gave a curt nod, jotting down notes. Torix grasped his hands behind him. I pointed towards the silvers, 

"Outside of that, avoid the Skyburner's jaws, tails, and fire breath. One hit from any of those three things, and you're dead. Focus on their eyes and their mouths. Those are both vulnerable since they aren't covered in armor or scales."

I smacked my fists together, "Is everyone ready for some dragon jerky?"

Althea and Torix gave me a nod. Tohtella's brow creased. I waved my hands, "Uh, gialgathen jerky then."

Tohtella frowned, "What? They're lean predators. Their meat would be stringy and lean. It would be like chewing a bundle of wires."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you ready to eliminate the targets?"

She nodded, "Of course."

"Alright then. Everyone check their status and finish any last updates."

I opened my own status, checking out my levels. I leaned back from my status, finding myself with several thousand attribute points to allocate. I shouldn't have let it pile up like this, but there was so much going on as of late.

Over the two days, I fought in the tournament, cleared out silvers, found the Skyburner's base, and gained a mythical skill. It was a lot to juggle around. Either way, I poured all my points into endurance, then selected finalize. Even if everything else was complicated, working my status was surprisingly straightforward.

Sometimes, simplicity was king.

Dimension-C138(Level 6,521)

Strength – 7,036 | Constitution – 11,940 | Endurance – 49,306

Dexterity – 3,061 | Willpower – 27,375 | Intelligence – 10,173

Charisma – 1,777 | Luck – 3,437 | Perception – 4,009

Health: 9.60 Million/9.60 Million | Health Regen: 25.48 Million/min or 424,593/sec

Stamina: 6.01 Million/ 6.01 Million | Stamina Regen: 87,771/sec

Living Dimension: 1.15 Trillion/4.30 Trillion 

Mass: 554,537 pounds(251,533 kilos~) 

Height: Actual -12'8(3.87 meters) | Current - 9'10

Damage Res - 98.5% | Dimensional Res - 49.25%

Phys Dam Bonus – 679,893% | Damage Bonus – 40%

Event Horizon – 20,000 + (100% of your total health)/min

I raised my eyebrows, finding my perception over 4,000. I lifted a hand, staring at the metal. As I took a closer glance, I found thousands of layers. I squinted, finding the layers made of even more wires. I looked up, expanding my field of view.

I glanced around, spotting profound levels of detail. If I glanced close, I peered at tiny spots like a microscope almost. If I soaked it all in, a world of detail popped up. As it did, my head throbbed at the sheer complexity. Tiny insects in the grass, dust and pollen in the air, even the moisture in my breath, it all revealed itself to me.

I shook my head, dulling my senses. I shifted my attention back to my status. My stats marched forward, their inevitable climb never failing to impress. I neared 50k with my endurance, and my health nearly eclipsed the ten million mark. If summed it up in a word, ridiculous.

I closed the window, looking around. Althea still fiddled with her status, but everyone else was done. A minute later and she closed it. I pointed off in the distance once everyone was back in the game,

"Follow several hundred feet behind me. Let me lead the charge. I'll be killing the silvers, clearing a pathway until we get within earshot of the Skyburners."

Everyone nodded. I ran out, getting about a football field away from them. I activated Event Horizon, thousands of Saysha screaming as they died. They melted into black sludge that evaporated. I ran forward, killing anything that came up to me.

I gibbed merjects, engorgs, and the organ caterpillars. Within an hour, flesh whales and other creatures popped back up. They crushed under my fists, some splattering from gravity wells alone.  As I decimated the abundance of silvers, a message popped up in my notifications.

Althea Tolstoy(Giess: 1:14 3/05/26) - Tohtella's not doubting you as much. You look brutal out there.

I grinned, squishing a merjects skull in my hand. As its purple blood splattered over me, I protected my face mask with an antigravity panel. Ten minutes later, we reached within a mile of the Skyburner's base. I shut down Event Horizon, waving my friends to me. 

They all stepped up. As they did, Tohtella adjusted her glasses, "Ahem. Would you mind disclosing how you sterilized your surroundings? It smells like a hospital full of corpses after you pass by."

I shrugged, "It's an aura. Hard to teach. Anyways, I'm about to fly up. You guys save as many of the slaves as you can."

I turned to Tohtella, "Look, I'll be honest with you here. This gray armor isn't going to hold up." I pointed at Torix, "You're magic will get blown away when I land. She's going to discover who I am. Better now than during the chaos."

Torix sighed, "Perhaps. It is difficult to maintain a sight disruptive barrier around a meteorite after all."

I turned to Tohtella, "I'm trusting you here, alright? You tell other people, you'll be my enemy."

Tohtella frowned, "I understand your skepticism of me. I am a woman of my word, however. This is no different than a confidential meeting. In the same manner as those events, I won't disclose what you tell me or who you are."

I nodded, "Good." I pressed the gray square over my armor, unveiling who I was. I rolled my shoulders, releasing my Mass Manipulation skill. My armor and bones cracked as I gained height, towering over everyone. I charged my runes, saturating them with mana.

Tohtella gasped, her jaw slack, "You're...him...Wow..."

I raised a hand, "Yeah, we killed Yawm. We don't have a lot of time for that to soak in though."

She looked back at the ground, "It all makes sense now. The hidden identity, the combat ability, even your presence. You're not normal. You're the living dimension."

I shrugged, "Eh, I'm Daniel. My real name isn't so famous though. Either way, we have some frog-dragons to kill."

Tohtella still stared at me with starry eyes. She reached out a hand, dragging it down my chest, "I can't believe you're right here...It's harder than steel like I thought...It's smooth though...like glass."

Althea popped her hand, glaring at Tohtella, "Come on business lady. Stop trying to feel up Daniel. We've got work to do."

Tohtella's eyes widened. She stared down, marking onto her clipboard. As I gazed closer, she was jotting down a bunch of jibberish. All the while, she blushed until she looked like a tomato. I glanced at Torix, and he met my eye. 

He and I shared a conversation with that glance, each of us holding down some snickering. A minute later and Tohtella was back to her professional self. She coughed into her hand, "Ahem, excuse my surprise. We may proceed  as planned."

I nodded, "Then let's go. I'll make impact at 2:00 A.M. as planned guys."

I turned around, jumping up into the air. My dark armor blended in with the night sky, keeping me hidden from even the sharpest eyes. As I dived up, I relished my new freedom. I wasn't squeezing myself with Mass Manipulation. I wasn't covered in armor either. It felt good to be back to normal.

With that liberation, I shot into the night sky. The crisp cold of the upper atmosphere funneled around me. The air thinned, letting me speed up even further. Otherwise the friction off the air caused my armor to glow bright, making me hard to miss. The entire time, I charged my mana, saturating my blood.

As I reached an orbital altitude, my body radiated with energy.  Vibrant streaks of crimson lightning shot out from me. I quaked with potential energy, my entire frame wanting unleash destruction.

I stared down, finding vast plots of land stretched out before me. The lights of Yildraza shined bright. The line of silver territory stretched far into the distance, winding like a river. I glanced around me, the void of space encroaching from all angles besides below. 

At the corners of my vision, the curve of Giess exposed itself. I glanced closer, finding gorgeous mountains and wide valleys. The purple sludge oceans lined up beside the vast seas. A path along the planet showed the line of the sunrise. It inched along, illuminating the planet. 

All of that to say this - it was a view to last a lifetime.

All the perception paid off, letting me soak it all in. I promised to come back here at some point. The cold wasn't even bad. Before I lost any more time, however, I readied myself. I lined up with the Skyburner camp using my minimap. A message popped up.

Torix Worm, of Darkhill(Giess: 1:58 3/05/26) - Go 

I reversed my gravity well. I shot toward the ground, accelerating like a bullet. My stomach rose up into my chest, my eyes sinking back into my head. The ground beneath me expanded, tiny plots turning into massive fields.

The friction from the air heated my skin. The water vapor near me sizzled, evaporating. The air pressure shifted over and over, my ears popping again and again. A layer of superheated air passed over me, a storm echoing in my eardrums.

The camp popped out of the forest of metal spires beneath me. My armor glowed red hot, a warmth passing over me. It shifted to white, both bright and blinding. I turned into a shooting star, my body holding together despite the situation.

My vision blurred. My bones rattled. My skin pulled on me. The warmth turned into a burning sensation. My mana rippled out, sparks of lightning radiating at full force. All went silent as I outpaced the speed of sound. 

The heat around me dug into my health regeneration. I withstood the scorching air, my body staying stable. With the ground fast approaching, I ground my teeth and clenched my fists. It was time.

The Skyburners stared up at me as I came down. I aimed towards a cluster of three of them. One of them flapped his wings, flying away from me. The other two stared like headless chickens. I reached within feet of them, a violet flare of light.

I made impact.

70% of my health dropped instantly. The collision let out an earth-shattering wave of light and sound. The metal, ground, and Skyburners around me melted into a pool of magma. Beneath me, the ground dipped as I quaked the earth.

A seismic wave shot out in all directions, upturning entire metal spires. The wall around the base smashed outwards, decimated by the kinetic shockwave. Nothing remained of the camp as I gained my bearings, leaving a wasteland behind me.

I pulled up the surrounding magma with gravity. With a cyclone of light and fire enveloping me, I stood. With my hands grasped firm, I turned towards the three Skyburners left. Covered in burns and stabbed with shrapnel, they fumbled in utter disarray amidst the chaos.

Above them, their general's decapitated corpse leaked blood, impaled on bent spires. I glared at the gialgathens, my armor white. Metal and stone liquefied under my feet as I stepped up out of the new crater. Scorching air plumed upwards around me as my flesh and bones reconstituted.

Violent arcs of crimson lightning shot off me, mana deluging out like a flood. Event Horizon left nothing in my wake as the Skyburners stared in awe. I stood before them as the sound I outpaced erupted around us, ripping out a sonic boom. 

Frozen in fear, the closest one choked out,

"It's...the Harbinger."

I raised a hand,

"And I usher forth cataclysm."



Not the longest chapter, but it felt pretty good to write. Hope you guys enjoy.

Sebas Tian

fucking hell man you have me hyped!


Oh my god. Full points on the legendary entrance. Shock and awe is always fantastic ideas.


Holy shit. Nuff said.


Question : seeing his status... is there a cd on his ability that prevents him from taking >70% dmg in a single hit? Cause right now, he regens 70% of his HP in about.... 15 seconds. And it's only going to get better. And he's not even close to level capped. What happens when he regenerates 70% of his HP in a single second and has x10 his endurance? Would he be literally unkillable unless someone does literally hundreds of million of dps? Even right now, seeing as he get a 98.5% dmg res, enemies NEED to deal close to 50M dps to match his natural regen... or have armor piercing. Also : Can we get a status on his armor? How close is he to 99% damage res?


You know, I just realised how fucking huge Daniel is. He's bigger than a small house. Fuck.


How do frog dragons know who/what the harbinger is? They’re not part of the system and i don’t know why they’d know/care who yawm is and by extension who daniel is if the planet has only been introduced to the system relatively recently and if they aren’t even in it. So they’d have to identify him off look alone instead of a system blurb. Cool entrance but it doesn’t make sense to me how they’d even know


Hod understood he was a Harbinger as well right after looking at him. Some beings can just understand it on an instinctual level, kind of like how we know to fear a bear or shark, even if we've never seen one.

Michael Nistler

Houston, The Eagle has Landed.

Corwin Amber

'ined up using with the Skyburner' (i don't think 'using' should be in this sentence).

Corwin Amber

'thanks for the chapter


Yo weighing as much as he does, shouldn't everything in like 100 miles have been nuked lmao

Tommy Littlefield

I must say you have been giving Daniel some pretty badass one liners lately haha


You are really nailing it lately, especially when business is being badass.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Love your descriptive badassness of the chapters, that is how i got hooked in the first place ( and the good writing style). Nice one !!!!


Oh yeah touch down! So event horizon does his health in damage per minute? Plus 20,000, so thats 180,000 damage per second just standing there, why ever punch anything. What's the health like on those whales that they can survive that for any length of time.


Thank you. I learned a lot about fancy prose in my first novel. I whip it out during scenes and moments like this, where it fits well.


From what I can gather, things with more mass automatically have more health. secondly you are forgetting about the resistance cap. So that need to be turned down to 1/20th so it is more like 9,000 per second. then we have the hp regen further mitigating that. While I believe they don't have the 0,5 mill hp regen per minute needed to nullify that, hitting something to keep it from hitting him and the more damage never hurt. Nvm it would hurt a lot.


lol tohtella fangirling over him is great


I love this chapter. I can't believe I forgot the perk that makes him only take a max of 70% damage, he can literally become a rod from god. Hahahahah. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment</a> If he went fast enough he can destroy a planet... Once he gets enough endurance he will basically be an Old One. Soooo good.




OHO! I knew that One-liner was needed!

Connor Kelly

And he raised his hand and said," Bitch Puhleese!"


Can u tell us what others see on his description?


Yeah, I would love to see what the system tells Tohtella about Daniel.

Connor Alexander

Oml the chapters of true badassery are back, thank you Monsoon for this chapter!!! And fuck that kinetic bombardment ability is absolutely insane, and such a broken skill when paired with his stats and perks. Also two questions: Does this ability actually have a name that I may have missed, or is it a signature move? And how tall ia Daniel now?


I forgot to ask, why didn't Tohtella find out Daniel's identity when she appraised the Dimensional Slicers? Didn't it clearly state it was created by C-138? Or does this stuff get hidden if the creators wants to do so?

Connor Alexander

Also a couple things to add a bit of spice, since I kinda forgot Daniel’s Armor can shift rather well. Why not make it so he shifts his Armor into a rather aerodynamic form and maybe add some spin if he were to go for a piercing drop? As another option make him create a platform with his Armor before he hits the ground later on so that there is a larger spot of impact or hits with a larger shockwave. Also he could use antigravity wells to create an area of low to no matter in his path of travel to increase his speed even more, as a void allows for higher speeds and he can cancel it nearing impact to add an air burst just before impact. I just really want to see him improve upon his already insane abilities~


Im pretty sure it was explained that she has almost no points in perception due to her build being fantastic for administrative duties. Kind hard to know who made em when you cant analyze what you see.


I am expecting a total shit stomp here now, I hope you realise what you have done. With that entrance, how could he NOT utterly crush them to pieces? A few singularities would not be miss placed on those fools. Or, you know, simply become a walking nuclear fission reactor, and become 250 million times hotter than the sun, obliterating everything within miles. Either way, I wait with baited breath for the next dose of this word heroin you seem to be so keen on producing.


I can’t even right now 👌😩


Holy shit, talk about an entrance, I wonder what speed he dropped at, since his mass + a barely supersonic speed of 400 m/s (going really low here,bare minimum at least 😁) dropping at an angle of 90° degrees converts (according to google) to: - Edit:(Err my bad, I accidentally saw feet as meters, hence it's more like: crater diameter of 1.3km,300m depth and 3km ejecta spread with a TNT equivalent of 150 Megatons)


Yawm smashing through an actual fucking planet actually makes sense now, seeing as our swoleboi Daniel is almost guaranteed to be capable of the same feat in the future.

Sebas Tian

Sheeeet man you better come through with another chapter tomorrow or a lot of people are going to be having withdrawals. Thanks for the chapter!


There's something I've been wondering about since quite few chapters ago: how much did Schema know when it gave Daniel his name.


I knew it! He grew to fit his title way too well and giving him that title didn't make sense at the time.


Correct me if I'm wrong but endurance should cause an increase in all other attributes but the willpower, intelligence and luck remained the same as in chapter 166 when he was level 6,014? Also 554,537 pounds = 251.533 kilos.


I didn't update those attributes and I didn't use a calculator for the kilos. Thank you for both of the fixes.


Danial should force someone to kneel before he executes them. Like probably in front of a whole bunch of people and, like the guy he does it too should hold a lot of standing. Like, probably for putting a message out there. Hopefully thorn. Yeah thorn. He’s a douche. Red flag him at least. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Well I mean, I think the “do you feel in control” line was good enough a red flag as any so nevermind. But if he doesn’t die by then end of this I’m gonna be slightly perturbed.


One thing I suggest for Danials Harbinger Mode is, a very gloomy like aura. To signify something very off putting. Nothing’s more intimidating than all the color in the immediate vacinity being replaced by subtle grayed hue and a touch of -50 saturation. Picture it, A murder of corrupt gialgathens stand triumphant. Ever so prideful.


But, a pang of danger, some sort of wild sence they have tips them off about something terrifying. As if death was staring at them from behind. Waiting for them to turn around. When they do, half way from turning, they notice something... is off. A deep chill making their already raised hairs or scales(whatever they have) raise even higher then one would thought naturally possible.


Almost like all the color in the world ran away. Because that’s what they felt like doing here and now. Somewhat envious that they couldn’t do the same. At the center of all this negative energy stands the Harbinger, bringer of death. Perhaps that is what it truly means to stand at the for front of disparity.


His armor smiling... the only thing that’s seems to have any color. A red gleam, impossibly bright, so hot that steam flows from the grins wickedly sharp, needle like teeth...


But, that’s not the most off putting thing about it. Not in the least. Tears? What seem to be Multen tears openly flow from its eyes. Dripping down and scaring the earth. The ground turning into warped reflective glass. The eyes filled with Sorrow and negativity. A contradiction to the wicked grin. A facade...


I call this the Facade. Its a domineering aura of charisma and willpower.. Makes everyone overwhelmed by a sloth full feeling of disparity. “Why even try, were all gonna die in the end.” “The struggle just isn’t worth it.” Also overwhelms the mind with unbarable sadness. Takes a lot of whilpower to use this aura. Perfect for danial I think.


The premise is that people go throughout life with fake smiles when everything really isn’t all that great. When the facade becomes obvious and is revealed. The people you are surrounded by are deeply affected by it.


Why even have all that willpower if you don’t have a will power ability?


Maybe call willpower ability’s, soul auras. I mean, one must have a strong soul to have a strong will right?

Connor Alexander

Jessey, mate, he’s a badass. Not a villain. Also his aura is already overbearing, even though we forget about it. He’s a good guy and more larger than life and overbearing than dark and foreboding, he also wouldn’t be able to stand the melodrama. That one line was cause he was pissed and is the kind of thing a tough guy would say to a too rich snob


Just caught up, I'm really enjoying these recent chapters.


I meant like something he could switch on and off. Also his current ‘aura’ is his weight being distributed. Coincidentally it scared a few people and became a natural skill. Not as interesting as what I suggested. If anything it’s just super simple what he currently has and isn’t really willpower related.


Also I made this up based off of nothing other than lately it seems like the title of harbinger is being used more so for badassary and not for what actually defines the word. In this case the harbinger of caticlism can be loosely translated to mean The signaler or announcer of a terrible event. So danial having an aura that makes people feel like their gonna die isn’t exactly against his character. It would more so compliment his title.


And before you say that agony is basically that aura, at this point he could kill practically anyone before they had the time to notice how terrible the aura was(over 9million health +20,000 per minuet in damage)so i wouldn’t say that agony counts as a passive, none offensive type aura like the one I suggested.


Oh and you don’t have to be a villain to have an aura of disparity dude. And technically ALOT of people view him as a villain because he full fledge murdered a few widely known hero’s when he was defending yawm from all those bounty hunters(not exactly bounty hunters). At this point that line is terribly blurry. Especially with his title. He is destined to bring chaos. Anti-Hero would be a more accurate title for Danial.


Plus his current “aura”(weight distribution) could be used, much like agony to deal some series damage If he simply narrowed the distribution of his weight by half. This would make his aura weigh more than 250,000 pounds. If he narrowed it by 2/3 it would make the approximate distance that he narrowed his current aura down weigh that much more. Hypothetically he wouldnt even need to lift a finger to indirectly kill anyone. He would simply just need to stand still and watch as they charge headfirst into what would basically be a dragon ball z style gravity chamber. Except you would be replacing the gravity with Danials weight.


His two current auras are literally kill auras. One of them isn’t even being used the way I said it could be. Which in my opinion is a waste but also in my opinion is a good thing because this story would just become boring if every fight ended with people being crushed to death by Danials diabetes. Jokes aside, I vote for a new passive like aura. More specifically the one I just described in great detail earlier in my comment spree.


Huehuehue, does the class grow to be more like the host or does the host grow to be more like the class? So far there really isn’t that much evidence or indication that proves anything.


Daniel's never been the kind of guy to try and master other people. He prefer's mastering himself. Even with his own legion, he takes a distanced approach. It's just not natural to Daniel's nature to go out of his way to demoralize and intimidate other people. If he ever does, he isn't trying to. It just happens.


Was a good effort. But I can see why that would be an issue for danial, it would be hard to do all that without changing his character. /:


Not saying that kind of thing isn't a possibility for someone down the line though.

Connor Alexander

Oh yeah Jesse mate sorry i didn't specify that the aura i was talking about what his gravitational one. He could use it offensively, but it would give him a harder time walking, so he doesn't shrink it. I do agree though that it would be a good idea to terrify his enemies and live up to the mane, but he lives up to the badass side enough for now. Once he gets to level-cap though, the aura would be a bit unneeded, as the Eldritch only respond to power, and he would way overpower the Schema-sided entities.


shouldn't daniel get a 10k perk for intelligence? this is the first time we see his intelligence go above 10k.


I think you forgot about the quest daniel received after leaving his first dungeon, the one where he had to kill a certain amount of dungeon cores absorb a certain amount of eldritch energy and kill a certain amount of unknowns. He handed it in once but just received another quest with double time limit and double objectives.


This is getting really good


Flying up slowly enough that you don't start to glow from the friction. The Daniel equivalent of sneaking


You forget good sir that he was artificially increasing his own gravity. Also we dont know what exactly Giess's air resistance/gravitational pull is


Really? Because there's been a lot of stress placed on the fact he wants to be the monster of monsters. Yes the eldritch respond to power but said aura is literally a display of power. Like it's scary but not actually scarier than Daniel actually is so it might actually make the Eldritch for once realise. That Daniel is not worth the effort. Especially given apparently he is gross to them which I love. Eldritch are picky with there dimensions apparently. In answer to the only responds to power thing is that true? Their in this dimension to feed and its very clear they respond to the hunger. And its apparent from the sentient eldritch that use the cipher that they are capable of overcoming the hunger. So they're not even limited to that


He should have gotten a 10k perk for a bunch of stats. I think he's out?


I think monsoon just left turning them in out because they have no reward. It's just something he has to do to make sure schema doesn't trap him in a dungeon. And given he doesn't have to actively work towards it (it normally aligns with his current goals) there's nothing really to mention.