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Yo guys. I've been focusing almost entirely on editing for publishing. Due to that, my chapter releases have slowed down to a crawl. I don't feel like I've offered enough value for you guys, so I'm pausing pledges for a month. I should be able to publish the book in mid October. After that, I'll get back on the grind of posting chapters.

The goal will be 3-4 regular releases a week at that point. I hope this isn't too disappointing.



Appreciate the transparency and integrity. Keep doing what you do!


Happy you are canceling pledges but tbh it is a huge bummer and super disappointing. I like reading your work :(


I can wait to see what the finished product is like


you are a good man. thanks for handling it this way. hope the editing is going easier for you.


Shit,I need my drug fix. What am I suppose to do now?

Corwin Amber

Whatever makes you happy regarding your work :) Looking forward to your next chapter(s) whenever you are able to release them.


Your commitment and communication with your fans is superb.


Thanks for telling us, and see you when you come back


I just had a random thought - if a free copy of the e-book is part of the pledge and the pledge is paused, does this affect the reward? I mean, it doesn't really concern me since I'll probably buy a copy to support you anyways - just curious about how patreon would handle such a case.


Much appreciated, kind of a shame you aren't getting your much needed coffee from us during the grind though :p.


I don't feel it's about value. We pledge to support you through becoming a successful author. We like being able to read as you write and help you edit it. You are a good writer and your story belongs on a best seller's list. We are just trying to help get you there sooner.


Great story and dont mind about the break im sure we all would like to you not to feel rushed/forced and end up writing yourself into a block or dead end and end up eventually droping it down the line. Good storys like this are worth the wait


Plus i patreon on a pre paid card with like $250 and lost the card so either way your still going to keep me weather you like it or not


I know it's not optimal. Optimal would be about 3-4 chapters a week while editing, but I couldn't do it. To me, this is a compromise.


I might cancel that reward due to the pledges or move it up a tier. Gotta make enough money to live lol