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The picture for the video says it all.


Goald Update: Editing Fullsteam

This video details a lot of what I've been doing over the last month+. I hope this explains the slower releases in chapters.


Alex R

Great video. Havent watched it yet but I know it'll be good.


Good luck with transitioning the story to kindle! It'll definitely do well, especially if you're improving on what you already have.


Looking yoked bro ngl


Thanks for the update really appreciate your work transparency. It's awesome to see an author that really loves his work, definitely came through in your video, so the lack of chapters is acceptable...


Keep up the good work! It really comes across that this is something that your passionate about, working hard on and care about. This is probably the highest quality English webnovel/whatever that I've read and I would over all rank it on par with AWE, ISSTH, ect. Sure they are different with different strengths and weaknesses but I do believe it is on par. I really like the world and characters that have been built to the point that I actually want to help with the process where and if possible. To me that's quite strange.


Good luck editing!!


Are you planning on releasing it on Kindle unlimited as well?


Really appreciate the transparency and effort that you’re putting into the writing process! Keep it up neph!xoxo

Connor Alexander

Thanks for letting us know how you and the book are going, its great to see that you don't want to skimp on your story or your life. Glad that you're balancing the story out and bringing to bear some of the flaws of the story, and to be willing to fix it with such a healthy mindset its heartening to hear. Wonder how the story will shift from here on out - including the older bits of the story.


It's great to hear what's going on. Please keep pushing through and I can't wait to see your revised work.


Any chance we can help anyway?


Can’t wait

crusty pickle

so i just kinda skimmed the video, but was there anything about a set schedule you were gonna make for the newer chapters, like 1 a week i think would be cool