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Yo guys, this is a goals update.


Goals Update: June of 2018

Letting you guys know what's up.



My eyes look strange in the thumbnail. Oh well.


Hey I didnt use kindle so far, but you need us to make an acc, give you a review, when its out, to give you more publicity? sure thing ;)


sounds good bro, keep up the great work

Alex R

What you are doing sounds good. Just make sure you do have some down time/fun time planned out. Do not want you to get burned out writing this awesome novel.


honestly that's my main concern as well, Author burnout is horrible.


It's good to see you're so dedicated but don't forget to get plenty of downtime& stay healthy! 👍


Don’t burn yourself out. Always sad to see motivated writers just do too much too quick and come to hate there story. And I’ll definitely write a post as soon as I can as long as it’s announced on here I check everyday for new info


Like everyone else is saying, it's good you want to write more but don't burn yourself out, I'd rather you keep your current schedule than see you release a burst and the quality lowers or you have to take an extended break.

Connor Alexander

Man, you could get away with a fat hiatus, and we'd still cheer you on. Overexerting yourself on this book is not what we want for you, and I hope this time is spent getting back in your own swing of things.


The next chapter is really tough in all honesty. I'm having to set up a lot of stuff.


Are you doing an audiobook version??