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This details level ups for normal people and for Daniel. Yeah, he's a bit op now.


How Level Ups Work In The New World

This describes how attributes points work in the New World. It's mainly a refresher for people who want to understand the Lit-RPG elements in depth. Hope you guys enjoy.



Off topic but I was wondering since Daniel is starting to work on skills again if he would start to build mind related skills, not offensive one's but a simple example is a skill that helps order his memories and experiences allowing faster quicker recall of his already very good memory, a mental directory that increases recall speed by one or two percent per level . Or intentionally structuring his mind to reduce unwanted influence on his mind by something like one or two percent per level. I could go on but just skills that build together that allow him to work on his mind as he does his body. I would just hope to see to skills that focus inward a little more as that's an other avenue for development for him and there are plenty of real life examples of people enduring unbelievable suffering and hardship just using regular skills you can build up in real life. I would love to see his mind, consciousness/"soul" to become as enduring as his body, even more so seeing all the things around him trying to warp and destroy who he is and what he sees himself as. I dunno if that's the direction you want to go though, this is a great story and it can go so many different ways I'm looking forward to more!


4 sets of 5 is not 16


4 bonuses every 5 levels means .8 attributes a level. 20*0.8= 16. My wording might not be the best in this video though. I'll have to crispen up on my math terminology.


Thanks for the video! I like having a reminder about how everything works and feeds once again. If Daniel gets these crazy bonuses for endurance, I wonder if there are similar builds that focus on strength, or intelligence, willpower, or what have you. And maybe Daniel will meet those individuals one day? O.o


Another interesting little chart again, I am tempted to go back in the story and write all the perk descriptions down. I think we definitely need a wiki for this story


I would love to see someone who with same religiosity committed to investing in Luck. That sounds like hilarious kind of nonsense.