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This explains the dimensional cipher in further detail, like how I came up with the idea and what not. Hope you guys enjoyed it.


Explained Series: The Dimensional Cipher

This video Explains the Dimensional Cipher in the New World. Hope you guys enjoy.



Hazzah guys, I've discovered how to create thumbnails. Next up is editing images and whatnot together.


Thanks for the chap


I definitely like the shorter videos, the thought process one was too long for me to really stay invested in it. Also, I personally have always thought of the cipher as math made material. Math is the building block of the universe, but with the cipher you can alter that in a material way. I.e., if you want to create a ball unaffected by gravity, then you simply dictate that gravity can no longer convert potential energy into kinetic energy on the ball. I know it doesn't lend itself well to easy examples, just kinda how I've always thought of it.


Well, technically math is an interpretation of the universe expressed numerically. It works perfectly as far as we can tell but honestly we know so little of the universe so far. We just learned and proven that light can be crystallized and made a solid. We understand laws but not why they are. There is plenty of room for a omplex runic system that integrates to math.


´The shorter duration of the video really helped me to watch it all. Best part about your explanation series, are the charts you draw, it puts you on the sublime path of creative Author lvl - x.