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Yo guys, hope this gives you an idea of where I'm at and why.


Goals Update: 11/25/2017

Just a few minutes explaining where I'm at. https://monsoon117.com



You sould look into freelancer for some of your needs. Lots of artist and you can get a look at their art first as samples and find the one you can work with.


Also you can change patron to charge the donation when a person becomes a follower. I think.


I know several of the artists that work for Paizo and illustrate their releases. I'll shoot out some text messages and see if any of them feel comfortable with the style and if they have free time to take on a commission.


I know a couple of artists, I might be able to reach out for you if you want. You must react to this though, since I Don't want to promise him a gig and you not reacting and all. (this is his folio site, <a href="https://www.artstation.com/mohammedaldabi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.artstation.com/mohammedaldabi</a> )


This guy is from Russia... but I like his work. <a href="https://www.artstation.com/trufanov" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.artstation.com/trufanov</a>


I contacted him, and I really like his work as well. He's too busy with other projects right now.


Let me know whenever and I'll come in contact with them to see if I can't make it happen.


Good luck


Damn, I feel kinda bad that the money isn't coming in, it might be Paterson or it might be the thing where you can use came into to pay on person n.


It's just not instant. My retention rate is really high come the end of the month and what not. It's just some viewers expected a much faster response rate for my goals, and these things take time. This video was explaining why.


I think patreon works well even with the delayed payment, with your retention rate. Using an advance chapter system helps in this instance. You are being open and explaining everything to your patrons. That is all you need to do. It will come around on the next monthly, which is in a couple of days now. As soon as they open you up for the upfront charge that will assist you further. Especially if they improve the system early next year, which is what they have been saying. Ensure you join the community once invited that will expedite your change in status and give you some more information on the upcoming changes. Good luck Monsoon117 and keep up the great work.