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First off, holy shit guys. I never thought my patreon would get this much support. You guys have went above and beyond what I imagined was possible. I'll be able to use the patreon funds to start up a youtube channel, setting up a website on wordpress, and for hiring an editor at some point.

I mean, I've never gotten this far into a story and had so much motivation to finish it. I'd say the story will end at around the 3-4k page mark. So we're about 1/5th to 1/4th done with The New World. It will probably take a year or two to finish at my current pace. It may end up longer than that, considering how much I'm enjoying writing the story. Who knows, my story could end up as long as Worm.

I'm hoping to branch off into other forms of social media during that time. That's why I already ordered the cam-corder, so that I can start making the youtube stuff. I'm thinking two videos a week as of right now.

Youtube stuff will never get in the way of writing.

That means writing will always take priority. If I have to choose between the two, writing will always win. Having said that, I would also like to diversify the content I create. Having another kind of project to work on would be a nice intermission from writing at times.

I hope this simple update let's you guys know where I'm at and what my thoughts are going forward.



Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your Youtube stuff, as well.


I'll try to be cool about stuff, and I may even branch off into other stuff. I'll have to see after a brainstorming session or two.

Brent Thomas

You deserve it. I love this story.


Thank you. I will continue to work hard so that I will continue to deserve it. I never intend to take all of your donations for granted. I look at them as investments by you guys for future content. It's a responsibility of sorts.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJtouZ-oWfFxY-UBvlnYpQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJtouZ-oWfFxY-UBvlnYpQ</a>