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For starters, this won't be quite as in depth as Daniel's analysis, but I'll try to throw some light onto Torix's skillset.

Torix's General Layout

Torix has quite a an allotment of general skills. He is currently level 1265, and he was introduced at levele 1236. He gained the levels during his fights and by capturing experiments.

His general approach to leveling has been slow and steady, the precise opposite of Daniel's push hard approach. This suits his summoner style well, however. His general power level isn't attached to himself as much as it is to his working pool of minions.

That is to say, he is hard as hell to take down given the right circumstances. With proper time to set up, Torix has many summons above level 1000, some of them being downright devastating.

Now that isn't to say he's vulnerable by himself. He's more than able to hold his own on lower or equally leveled foes. Here's his general stat layout.

Leveling perks: Intelligence, Willpower, and Charisma

This is the standard setup for summoning oriented mages. The intelligence gives the mana pool he needs for his summoning. Willpower gives him the will to study for his incantations and regenerate his mana. Charisma gives him the persuasion to control his minions more effectively.

Level 100 perks: Intelligence, Willpower, and Charisma

Like with most builds, he's sitting at very solid values on his three set stats. Unlike Daniel, he doesn't really have a way of getting anymore perk points, so he's pretty much stuck with this layout, which is pretty lacking in general defenses.

Well how does Torix stay alive then?

Torix uses a simple perk called Mana Shield. It's a perk for willpower that allows the user to use their mana as a shield with a 2-1 conversion. As you can imagine, this allows most casters to be surprisingly tanky and tough to kill. This is why Daniel had to attack the SoulKeepers that fed Gabriel more than once. Their mana pools sustained them.

But that's completely broken, so why doesn't everyone do that?

For starters, mana regen is generally more difficult to obtain than health regen. Most of the ways to generate mana are dominated by attributes. This means perks, trees, etc. don't offer the same kind of flat bonuses that fighting does.

Now you can reach a respectable level of mana regen no doubt, but it doesn't reach the same values as health regen under normal circumstances.

Another point to consider is how mana is the definitive stat for offense and defense in a mage. If they use all their mana defending, they can't fight back offensively. This is one of the reasons Torix decided to become a summoner.

Since most of his offensive potential is tied to his minions instead of his mana pool, Torix is far harder to kill than a normal mage. He's specced enough into constitution to hit the resistance cap as well, meaning he isn't that vulnerable even when his mana shield is down. It makes Torix very difficult to take down in 99% of circumstance.

He can use his mana to heal his minions as well, so if you don't kill them all in one shot, you'll be overwhelming with numbers. Either that, or it will become a grueling battle to see who can out sustain the other.

What if you use your mana for the mana shield and fight using stamina?

Usually this isn't done because you need at least three physical stats to be your leveling attributes. Otherwise, you'll be so far behind during combat that the defensive bonus of a mana shield doesn't make up for it. It's kind of like Daniel versus Althea. She lacks constitution during their fights, which has made her lose every time in melee combat.

There are fighters who've done it with success though. Arcane blood is a coveted perk for just this reason, as it allows the user to bypass the need for the mana shield. You get the health bonus that the mana shield would offer, but without having to spec into the intelligence leveling perks.

Alright, cool. How does Torix do his summoning then?

Torix's summoning is a direct result of his mythical skill, Thaumaturgic Riser. This is a collection of many skills, around 20+ that allow his to do what he does.

Some of the basic skills that compose the class/mythical skill are dominion, dominion manipulation, summoner, imbuer, and mind link. These skills compose the base components for how the skill operates.

As with any mythical skills, there are five unique skills at the base level of its creation. Soul Taker, Wielder of Souls, Speaker of Compulsion, Wielder of Oblivion, and Of High Rule.

Soul Taker is the combination of several skills relating to the souls of creatures. The unique ability gives the user the ability to take the soul of creatures with lower current health points than your mana pool. Extra points in the ability gives better conversion of mana to health for the soul stealing.

For a frame of reference, Torix couldn't take Daniel's soul anymore. Daniel recently surpassed it, and that's part of what surprised Torix about Daniel's health.

Wielder of Souls is a unique ability that allows the user to manipulate and control someone's soul. It can only be used on a soul that has been ripped from someone's body or to a soul without a current body. Allows for sight of these souls as well.

This differs from soul taker in that it doesn't include splitting a soul and a body apart. It's kind of like the difference between organic chemistry and all the rest of chemistry.

Speaker of Compulsion is the ability that allows Torix to speak with an empowered voice. It combines speechcraft, leadership, and several other charisma oriented skills into a single ability of sorts.

Elijah used this very same skill to try and get Daniel to obey him. Now that's not to say the only use is commandments. It can be used to add zeal and fervor to loyal allies, as Torix uses it.

Wielder of Oblivion is the combination of many higher leveled runic abilities. Several of these abilities are the same as what Daniel wields, like carving into oblivion.

This is the combination of enough different runic skills that Torix has gained a general use of them. That means that he can essentially use the language in a fluid manner, rather than awkwardly putting the pieces together. Think of the difference this skill makes as much like the difference between someone who is fluent in a language and someone who knows the language. One wields the language as if it were their own, the other pieces together the bits they know how to use.

Of High Rule is by far Torix's rarest skill in regards to his general skill set. This is a skill that allows him to hold the numerous connections too his minions and maintain them with ease. It's essentially a commander's kind of skill, though few are able to get it.

The difference comes in from how Torix wields the skill. Unlike with other commanders who rule countries of the living, Torix wields and army of the already dead.

All these different skills combine into Thaumaturgic Riser. Hope this analysis helps understand how Torix functions better.

This set of explanations aren't the only thing that Torix has under his sleeves however. More will be revealed further down the story's progression.



so he only summons his minions, though he raised them from the dead and used their bodys.