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Hey guys!

This April we are planning to add more characters to the Hero Tales roster. That means more choice, more combinations of character..*ahem* interactions and ideas for stories!

Until then, let's get this green chick thing going. Ota and I have an idea for who she might be, but we want your input. Going back to last week I threw out the idea that I want a green chick in this universe and a few of you guys have agreed. So lets start with her species/race. once the votes are tallied up we'll see if a character just organically grows from this or if we need a new poll to hash it out.

Lets get this party started!!!



I'm personal message you (Rabies & Ota) my idea, but I'm mention a brief summary here. Mother of Xav-ver, daughter of Mother Hydra and Father Dagon, Ruler of the Deep Ones, who sits on the throne of Y'ha-nthlei; I suggest to you Kthu. (I'm somewhat of an amateur fan for the Lovecraft and the Cthulhu mythos). Good luck.


Whatever her origin, she's gotta be buff. Or, at least, a solid set of abs. ^^


I think that an evil dude that is in opposition to the good girls would be a nice addition. Brolic seems more like a mind controlled hulk than a villain with with his own mind 🤓