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                                     High level L.A.B.S personnel only.

   ~ O&R




I like the way she negotiates.


Need more of this woman please. Lesser knowns are always welcomed! That being said, show us her teaming up with Milieu again haha cracka content as always!


Ohhh, you guys know how to blend gorgeous artwork and fantastic storytelling with the added benefit of… well seeing some sex unfold. I for one am highly interested to see who she wants… and to see more of her in general. Fuck. You’re getting me so invested and interested… making me wanna see all these damn characters you make, you bastards!!! XD


Thank you, mate! We try and always aim for even better. Folks who stick around for the plotty bits (besides Keane's I mean lol) have an enjoyable romp ahead. Lots of ground to cover, but we're game.


Of course. Haven’t been disappointed by the plotlines of the HTU, even when it isn’t always sexy stuff… which isn’t often, but still, that’s just the added benefit of it all XD As I’ve said before and will continue to say… Y’all are top notch. Can expect my support for as long as I can.


Yet another story arc I am now excited and invested in, damn you😂