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Greetings Talers!

   Pardon the recent silence. We've been hard at work winding down Into the Breeding Dens and sorting out details for our next leg of the HTU. One of those in particular is a question for y'all:

Are webtoon style comics be anything our patrons (that's you fine folks) would be interested in? 

Feedback in the comments is encouraged. 

~ O&R



I’ll miss the lovely backgrounds but I shant say no. d(^-^ )


There will still be unique backgrounds and all that. This is just a very basic example of the layout.


Looks good, probably easier for people who view on phone as well.

Pedro MG

Big yes man !


Keep this stuff coming.

Stone Quillian III

reading webtoons like this hurts my eyes, that's why I say nay


Understandable. We'll definitely try to make it as easy to read as possible.