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Hey, Talers!

   Ota here. Well, it's finally happened. Rabies has drawn so much hot snu-snu that its physically put him down for the count. Not really (lol) but he has been out of commission due to some recent physical bothers. He's alright, just taking a little time to recover. We'll be back at full mast soon enough. In the meantime there will be some pinups to fill the void while our rabid mad lad bounces back.

  We appreciate you guys and all the love. Plenty more on the way!


~ Ota 



I’m sorry to hear that Rabies had some problems. It’s good to hear that he’s ok. He’s one of the hardest working guys out there in the NSFW world and Hero Tales is an incredible universe which has seen truly amazing art, writing and stories from you both. He can take all the time he needs, he shouldn’t feel pressured to return to quickly if he doesn’t feel up to it. I hope he gets better soon.

Angel Uriel

Told him awhile ago to take some time off. He's one of the best but even the best needs rest.


All the best to recovery.

BBC Waifu

Wish a speedy recovery! Stress can really impact the body, enjoy some time off!