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Hey guys!

Well, this was inevitable. A few have asked about a possible higher tier for our patreon. Otakubucky and myself have bashed our heads together trying to come up with an idea for a possible $10 tier.

One being that with 10+ pledges on a $10 tier we will add a bonus page to the current monthly pinup, exclusive to these pledges.

What do you guys think?

Please if you have any suggestions on what our new tier would consist of let us know in the comments.



I think you can do a lottery once a month for the higher tier to get a commission pic done


Just a thought


Could always do something like the pinup suggestions. The 10+ tiers get to suggest two characters and then you randomly select and do something exclusive for the 10+ only. Kind of like what Marcus suggested. Either way, I'm game!


Eh, I can do 5 more. Rather not have any higher than 10 tiers yet tho


I like the lottery idea


Okay..I like that. So another pinup but exclusively for the $10 tier. gotcha! Thanks for the suggestion


Yeah I agree. Then again look how hard it is for us to decide on what to give a possible $10 tier. My god, anything higher and it would have to come with a sample of my blood! haha


Hrmm sweet! Glad to see there is a direction people are leaning towards


Well I just added the plus to look fancy :)


So is there any conclusion? A lottery for a commission pic what I would lean towards.


It occurs to me that you don't have many $5-tier members. Maybe the right to propose the content of the monthly pin-up might not necessarily be worth the extra $2 for most members - just saying.... Now, if you were to also add an additional monthly pin-up - exclusive to $5-tier members - I would definitely move up to $5-tier status. No disrespect intended - just my 2 cents worth....


No no. Thank you for your opinion. After discussing this with Ota, there may be a shift in what we can give to the differing tiers, like you have suggested. We are just trying to nail down what would be best for all of us. creators and patrons. But the idea of an exclusive $5 and maybe a $10 tier is a good one. Thanks again yo!