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So here we are. We decided to drop the full cast of Hero Tales, so far

.Yes, there are more characters to come. And more sexy tales to drop


Who is your favourite?

This was thrown in to the mix because we decided to make a higher tier starting next month fora monthly (Drawn by Rabies) with it's own short story (written by  Otakubucky) attached to it. The Higher tiers will have the option of nominating or  suggesting the two characters (male and female) taking part in the pinup and what they'll be getting up to.

Then you vote (lower tiers included) on the characters and the scenarios. Obviously thesuggestion with the highest votes win and by the end of the month the Pinup+short story will be posted as Patreon exclusive.




Interesting... the puppets of your show look to be quite eye catching. While the characters are one part of the story will you also be including more background about the world of 'Hero Tales' as well?


That is a really great suggestion! We now have that in the works and hopefully in the next few weeks you'll be seeing it pop up in your mail! Thanks man, we appreciate the feedback!!!:D


Nice, but it's hard to say who my favourite is.


Alrighty, let's give it a few weeks...maybe then you'll have a fave picked out. hehe


Character sheets are very interesting! Can´t wait for news to pop up :) I also think that a favourite will show in the next fews weeks although Agent69 has huge advantages indeed1


From just looking at the chart its a tie between Malesande & Violent Milieu.


Oh you'll love Violent MIlieu she's a no nonsense lady...have you read Brown Sugar High?


As long as you just hurry and get the black dude's story out of the way and/or have him in a minimal role throughout this. Which it looks like will be the case (given that there's two non-black dudes). Which will make this series a great one. Brown Sugar High was just fantastic. It's always nice to see people finally adding more white dudes in erotic art. Been catering too much to black dudes, so far. As for the ladies, I can't pick which is my favorite. They're ALL super sexy. Especially Malesandie. Who I assume will only be with and/or anchored to white dudes. Much like Anarchy and Milieu are.


RO and HT are all about variety, mate. Our stance is simple; we do our best to make fun, hot comics featuring equally fun and hot characters. Doesn't matter what color the players are, as long as the end result is stuff that satisfies and leaves people wanting more. We've got a host of characters, both male and female, of just about every color in the works. No one will purposely be used less of made 'minimal' based on what hue their skin is. Doing so would isolate our potential audience and inhibit us from doing what we enjoy. Keep this in mind for future chapters. You're going to see BM/WF, as well as WM/BF and just about every other race involved in the craziness. Try to keep an open mind, and we'll do our best not to disappoint anyone who invests their time/coin in us. Cheers PS, We've got plans indeed for Lady Malesande. Hehe!


Can't wait! And as long as there's no BM/BF, with Malesande or any black chick (which I doubt there will be anyways, given your history of art) and she's not lowering herself by being with dark dudes in any real capacity then you're a-ok. WM/WF/ and WM/BF is fine though. And by "white", any lightskinned dude who your viewers can just mentally write off as passing for "tanned" (no matter what you call him ethnically) will also suffice. Can't wait to see what sexy situations you come up with. I'll stay tuned.


Hey, as an artist too and comics lover I'm all about free expression and such, but the comments from Jeremy Owens are really creepy here. How is a black female character "lowering" herself by being with a male character of her same color? WTF? I mean, such racist BS needs to stay in the shacks of Kentucky or Mississippi, chained to a table and eating sawdust and maple syrup and starving that intellect even further. It's ugly and out of place in the 21st century and it's NOT EVEN LOGICAL or RATIONAL. Mr. Owens. by your own "standards and rationale" (I'm using that phrase loosely with you, sir), if a white person is not 'lowering' themselves by being with a dark-skinned person in the artwork, how is a black person 'lowering' herself by being with a dude of her same color. Your "logic" doesn't even make sense!!!!!! That said, I'm sure your little ego couldn't handle Derek Hammer and his sexy triste with Agent 69 so you're probably out of here by now anyways. It sucks to be reminded of one's lackings, eh? Grow the fuck up and embrace the different strengths and weaknesses of all human kind, man. RabidOtaku......you have great skills and you don't need patronage from racists who censor your imagination! By the way, the Doc Samson/Malesande stroy was hot too.