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Hammer: Take a picture why don't ya? I ain't cool with people sneakin' into my pad. Sexy cat-suit or not. 
Foxx: Sorry, sugar. It's kinda my thing. And I'm aiming to take more than a picture. A LOT more...

~ O&R




I saw your twitter and I just wanted to apologize for the overwhelming amount of autism you've dealt with. Please don't let these low-lives get to you. Any moron that believes that because you do interracial you don't support /understand the current issues cannot be reasoned with.


Oi, It's nothing you need to apologize for (at least I don't think so). Oh, we never stress the bottom-feeders, mate lol. Merely, we make examples out of them before exiling them from our sight. Disposing of the occasional disgruntled incel thinking they're owed something in our work is a trifle for us. Thanks for your concern however, ~ Ota


Wait...people have said that to you lmao what!

Klein Mcmurphy

These have been some amazing redraws, great work. 🥰