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She'd been posing herself in the camera (face down, ass up) when she heard the smooth knocking at the door of her apartment. 

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Now, THAT's what I call swift service", she said, rising from her queen sized bed -- stark naked -- to an eager and excited barrage of comments flooding her live chat box. 

She held the camera of her phone to her face as she traversed towards the door. The journey down her dimly lit corridor of posh living quarters was added a little show of expressions, her gorgeous facial features switching from playful, to sensual, to a sexy arched brow of thinly feigned curiosity.

"Hmm...wonder who that could be?" she said to the camera, her gray eyes bright with knowing. She displayed her full round breasts to the camera, hefting them up with a slim but finely sculpted arm under the meaty curve of her womanly flesh. She giggled while cupping one of her massive breasts and gently twisting a dark budded nipple.

"Not gonna lie, ya'll, I got goosebumps for this one. I've been trying to link up with this person for MONTHS now..." 

True to her word, fans watching the feed could spy small patches of gooseflesh forming on her arm and upturned mammaries as she passed under the brighter lights of her apartment. As she slowly opened the door, teasing the reveal of her summoned guest, the camera's vantage suddenly went low, homing in on the sight of a pair of muscular legs clad in blue jeans. Broad, chiseled to perfection. The fabric of his pants utterly failing to conceal the long thick outline of a massive cock beneath.

Stella let the camera linger on the sight for a moment, her breaths audibly louder as she let a hand boldly sink to the unknown man's crotch. She gripped it in place and gave the long meaty thing a good hardly squeeze before switching the vantage back to her face. Her smiling pearly white smile shone in all its glory before she sultry uttered--

"Mmmmhm! Travesura, mis amores" 😈

To be continued...

