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    Alright, alright and yes-siree! Our monthly HT mini comic poll has come to a close. A hefty thank you to all who participated. As always, if your champion didn't come through this round, do not fret. We'll be adding some previous potentials back into the mix next time to give the yet unsung heroes their due.

Also, we'd love to hear you guys suggestions for potential future minis as well. While we can't make promises that everyone's ideas will be added to the mix, we're always open to hear your thoughts, predictions and so forth about the HTU and its characters. We'd suggest keeping your ideas non-canon, since we've got our own model prepped for the main storylines. 

This round was a bit of a trouncing, with Hammer taking a solid lead from the jump that our other candidates just couldn't catch up to. Shame, I (Ota) definitely had my fingers crossed for the Valkymra this time round. Oh well, I'll definitely not say no to Dr.Knome's fine ass though. Neither will our premier hero-to-be when we drop our next entry into the HTU canon:

Hero Tales Comics: Hammer - Year One 

coming soon...

- Rabies & Ota



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