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Hey guys!

Here's the next page! Vi does not like it is you fuck up..in any respect. This woman demands A-level fucking. And lord help you if you don't give it to her. She'll prolly break it off....ouch...

OKay..so we are heading into the holiday season. I'm probably going into hibernation for a week. I don't want to say I won't make next week's page. I probably will, I just wanted to let all of you, our faithful HT fans, know that myself and Ota MIGHT take the week off. I'm pretty damned tired, but lord knows I love working on the HT characters. Ota has seen  few sketches for random pinups over the passed few weeks that I have drawn up for the hell of it. What do you say, wanna see the sketches for future sketches? Let me know in the comments below guys. 

As always, thank you. You guys have helped us make a project come true that we would not ordinarily have  done, given our busy schedules. So we are grateful for your support and your patience.

Rock on, you beautiful bastards!!




Curtis Willis

Love to see VM & Brolic go at it❗️❗️❗️💪🏿


Brolic, you fool! You got her alliterating!


Sketch on mate, show us! Anyways, Merry Xmas!


Brolic! Switch! Tag me in, tag me in! Glad to hear Rabies and Ota are taking a break. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!