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Okay first off...good lord..is he ever going to do the hip thrust boogie again? Because that's not the retirement any man would ever want to be wrestled into. My god, her thighs..he should have known what he was getting himself into though.

Be on the lookout for this month's vote for the next comic.

Thanks to all of you new comers, I hope you guys enjoy the little world we've created here!




That’s my girl :-) love agent 69


Great art -poor Inspector 5 -is he really gone? That seems like real Spectre level ruthlessness if so -69 is like Xenia Onatopp in the Bond film Goldeneye. Well same MO but sexiwr.


Sexier I mean


Really like the carnal combat concept. Hope to see more of it and also, the origin stories are very interesting. Great work