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Hey guys!

Sorry for the late post. We would have started earlier with the comic but we had to make sure this idea was properly thought out. But nevertheless, let's get it started!!!




I don't problem with the slight delay. Is this DB the same guy we saw being walked off in cuffs in beginning of 'Legs to Kill'? Diamond-Back I think you called him? Anyways, he kind of looks 'smaller' than his first appearance. Doesn't matter he's going to get schooled. And who is this 'us' Hammer is referring to?... Can wait to meet the parts of this 'us'...


Is Diamond-Back one of the new expanded HT cast too? Most of the males seem to be heroes so some villains are needed (don't know if Brolic is a villain too yet). Would love to see Crimson Dahlia in comic action soon (if not in this tale).


I agree, It would be interesting with a male villain and Diamond-Back could be an addition.