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These photos were taken by Collier Ott! I wanted to give you guys first dibs on seeing these. I've only shared a couple teaser photos I took a little bts so far on Instagram. This Painted Lady shoot it very special! I have dedicated it to my good friends over in Japan. They have asked for this shoot to be on the cover of the next issue of UPS Magazine with a full spread. It's a big deal over there and I am so honored! I'm very excited to see this shoot in a new publication!

I will be releasing my photos from this Painted Lady end of September :) 

a little background on this shoot and concept...

My friend Akira (Western River/Ups Magazine Japan) asked me about the issue feature and suggested they wanted a California girl with a beautiful Panhead. I thought of my friend Reid (@MacSpeedcycles) he built this epic pan last year for Born Free. 

For the model I wanted a pretty blonde. In Japan they LOVE Americana everything and I wanted to really capture that with this shoot. Lanna and I have been wanting to work together for a long time. She's got that perfect so cal look and she has a ton of experience as a model. 

I was talking to my friend Eric about how I could't come up with a location. I wanted to do something special...

He emphasized how much our Japanese friends love Americana and California vibes. He said. " You need a place like the Hollywood sign but not the Hollywood sign. A California staple." 

I said well it needs to go with the bike... the bike paint reminds me of a skating rink. It's got the whole rainbow on a black backdrop... then I thought... THE MOONLIGHT ROLLERWAY! in Glendale. After some calls I booked it! First time dropping some $$$ on a location but it was worth every penny. 

Day of the shoot I was a bit stressed :) Model was an hour late and I usually try to give myself 3 hours to paint and do makeup but I had ONE. There was no being late either because I was paying for it. When we got there we quickly found out there was no ac and a couple fans. It was 100 that day. I was a little stressed on rushing the paint but when I saw it all together with the lights and music on I knew it was ON! 

Model is Lanna Lyon.

I'm so happy and excited about how everything turned out. It was truly magical and I will never forget it! Can not wait to see these photos in print. 

Thank you all for the continued support! I have a ton of new shoots to share in the next couple weeks. 




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