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Hello! How was the week for everyone?

Since our last update, I have been working a lot on designing our shopping interactions and items lists! For starters, the shopping system will be used for food and drink purchase, and once we have other types of stores and buildings we’ll use it for everything else.

🛍️ Shopping

Our shopping system is pretty straightforward, you will have access to the shopkeeper’s inventory as well as your own, and through simple clicks players will be able to add selected items to their shopping cart. You will need to be aware of how many inventory slots you have available as this will limit how many items you can purchase, and your money! Also in the future make sure to visit shops once in a while because some of the items are on display only during certain days, and their stocks may be limited.

🏪 Where to Shop

Currently, you will have access to shopping on our vending machines close to Bedford Square Garden’s northern entrance, so make sure to check it out! The map will also soon be expanded to reveal the area around Simon’s Pub. There you will be able to purchase ready meals and drinks from the bartender, and in the future, it will be a quick alternative for when you are too tired to prepare your own meal at home!

Adding a bartender will be a great opportunity to include scripted NPCs into our AI routines, same as code in NPC interactions which can be expanded in the future to other features, like chatting or romance.

We have a lot of cool things in store coming up, so make sure to check out our next release! Thanks for joining us this week (•ө•)♡


Vending Machine Test
