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Little Sim World 0.31y3 Update Changelog

Heads up! This build is slightly buggy because we added quite a few new systems compared to the old one. We remade the pathfinding but it's still not quite stable but should be serviceable. Added some interactions, some of which still needs substantial improvement so keep that in mind!!

Download: here!
Installation Guide: Installation Guide • Little Sim World (lsw.gg)

New content

- Hygiene and Bladder needs added to the game.
- Shower and bathtub interactions.
- Stinky effect punishment.
- Toilet and bladder punishment interactions.
- New pathfinding system with more robust behavior for player and NPCs.
- Instructions pop up now closes after 10 seconds.

Bug fixes

- Fixed closing build mode while hovering over an interactable object causing reference loss.
- Updated outline to fade in/out using unscaled time so it can update while game is paused.
- Fixed screen behind the UI getting darker while picking up a gender and it remaining open if not closed during previous interaction.
- Fixed monitor settings to display on selected monitor after restart, no longer causes black screen on inactive monitors.
- Added support to interact with E. - All furniture updated to have collider triggers on every interaction point to allow E interaction.
- Fixed pause command during HFF time (speed while sleeping).
- Fixed character facing last input direction instead of last animation's orientation.
- Fixed personality listing with better display for all 16 personalities.
- Improved collision on fences and other furniture, preventing players getting stuck.
- Fixed sorting of bus stop roof, preventing the player clipping through it.
- Fixed bulldozer interface remaining onscreen after use.
- Fixed personality's background color changing randomly.
- Fixed game and UI avatar sometimes not matching colors.
- Fixed being able to click accept buttons multiple times.
- Fixed cars going through character during character animations.


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