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This week has been CRAZY!

We were featured on two youtube videos recently, on Vixella's (around the middle) and also Iron Seagull's videos. I felt they talked positively about us which was super awesome! Are we e-famous yet??? This means we have a lot of new Patrons this week and I've been really quite overwhelmed by your support everyone ~ I've actually barely been able to sleep this week because of this excitement D: TERRY NEDS MOAER SLEP

Next, myself, Michel and Heiva have been working hard on our website and you can see further additions to the site. No more plumbob confusion and more cool images! The dateable characters featured in the images are all WIP and not final final final versions (close though) but it gives a rough idea of what they will look like. The gamer girl with the headset are not yet finished so her outfit is still ongoing ~ don't judge me too hard for that one

I was hoping to have more characters (ingame ones, not portraits) finished but Lucas's wife just had a baby so, I think we can all give him some slack for being a bit slower recently ^_^ Nevertheless more effort will be going into ingame assets and items hereon out as I am relatively happy with the state of the website so, more ingame screens in the upcoming weeks as that's more important I think!

Stay awesome everyone ~





Must.Date.Gamer.Girl 🥰


So excited for you! Thanks for the update!


This looks really good!!! When will you show us the dateable male characters?

Mikeela Chandler

I’m already in love with the gamer girl! Can’t wait to see the other dateable NPCs


Super love


the blonde girl is so pretty!!!!