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I was recording the podcast when I found out, but the goal has indeed been hit!

I honestly never expected we'd get anywhere close to this level. I'm so humbled and happy that you believe in me to this extent. Thank you all SO MUCH.

Which brings us onto the interesting part: the goal itself! As stated, I want to do full playthroughs of certain games whilst giving my own analytical commentary over the top. As stated, these won't be hugely frequent, maybe every few months or so. Gives you time to digest everything if you're into it, and gives me time to prep future games and what I want to say about them. 

Also means I'm not burning myself out doing this and the regular videos. It's just meant to be an extra form of content that's slightly more relaxed in its approach, for those that want it. It'll be less scripted and slightly more off-the-cuff than the channel but I'll be analysing the games through a similar lens to the main videos.

I realise a lot of you might not care about the goal or the format and just want to keep supporting the show. That's totally fine! It's not going to take away from regular programming in any way, don't worry. This just gives me an excuse to get some extra content out there for you - if you dig it, cool, if you don't, also cool!

Basically I want to get your thoughts on the format this will take if you're interested. Do you think this should be hosted on another channel or the main one (if the latter I'd prob just have the first one there with some kind of unlisted playlist so I'm not clogging sub feeds)? Should I stream it as I play so you can watch live? Do you want me on camera? What kind of games would you be interested in seeing?

As for a first playthrough, once the logistics are figured out, I'll be playing Mafia II. If you've followed me for any length of time you'll know it's one of my favourite games; subverting tropes of gangster media in general to present a prosaic depiction of mob life, as well as a pointed critique of the American Dream. I have a LOT to say about this one. 

Anyway, let me know your thoughts and I'll definitely keep you posted. Thank you so much once again for all your support. You're the BEST.


Writing on Games



I'm with everyone else here - main channel and games that you're passionate about! I actually do a lot of my vicarious game playing through watching your videos, so I'd rather see you play through something you really like. I'm also curious about your thoughts on musical scores, but I think that's more a topic for the regular videos than the playthroughs. Super looking forward to it and CONGRATS!

Moritz von Schwedler

Agree with all the previous suggestions. I personally would prefer the walkthroughs/gameplay without you on camera, as I usually find that distracting (in general), particularly in the more analytical style you adopt. I think Mafia II is a great start. I would favour maybe slightly older seminal games for your walkthroughs.