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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that my latest video is now available to all! This one takes a look at how Watch Dogs 2 feels like the game the first was always meant to be.

Also, heads up, a review copy for this game was provided to me by Ubisoft so as you watch, keep in mind that I didn't have to pay for it. 

When I got sent a copy of Watch Dogs 2 for PS4 by Ubisoft, I was initially worried I wouldn't have much to say about it. Now that I've completed it, it might actually be one of my biggest surprises of 2016. 

With the wealth of options a modern Deus Ex game offers and the absurdity of this year's Hitman (along with some surprising takes on the nature of technology and identity politics), Watch Dogs 2 is deeper than anyone could have expected.


Thank you all SO much for your continued support. Also, in the last couple of weeks being a cacophony of a million different jobs, anxieties and general depression, it totally slipped my mind that I hadn't sent out Patreon rewards for the last Bethesda episode! I am so so sorry to keep you guys waiting. I'll get that all sent out tonight or tomorrow!

I just realised that Patreon lets me attach files to posts now, so I may just do that from now on then message you all that link to the Patreon post so it's all there and easy for you to find. Let me know if that works better for you! *THE REWARDS FOR THIS EPISODE ARE JUST UNDER THE VIDEO!*

EDIT: just realised that Patreon has taken away the feature where you can set rewards to post for people of a certain threshold, so I guess the rewards are available to all this week (doesn't feel right saying to people "YOU'RE NOT PAYING ENOUGH SO I'M TAKING THIS PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE THING AWAY FROM YOU" if you get what I mean)! Again, apologies - Patreon is still a weird system to me and I'm getting used to all the ins and outs of it.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the episode!


Writing on Games


Watch Dogs 2 (Review/Analysis) - Writing on Games

Here's the Patreon (even you considering it means a lot) - https://www.patreon.com/writingongames Follow me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/hamboblack Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/writing-on-gamescast/id1124674245 --- *REVIEW COPY PROVIDED BY UBISOFT* When I got sent a copy of Watch Dogs 2 for PS4 by Ubisoft, I was initially worried I wouldn't have much to say about it.



Really enjoyed the video. I've been a subscriber for a while, and finally decided to become a Patreon! Also on topic note, I'm really enjoying Watch Dogs 2. I find it to be really up beat and enjoyable, which is needed with so many games taking themselves too seriously.

Patrick Charles-Lundaahl

Great video, man! I just want to say, I seriously love your stuff. You make some of the highest-quality game critiques I know. Also, all the best with the anxiety and depression - I know winter always triggers depression in me. I can't imagine how tough it is motivating yourself for creative work when dealing with that! Thanks for continually making thoughtful, honest, and generally fantastic critiques on my favorite medium :)