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Here we are at the start of May, and it's been a pretty quiet month here since the Final Fantasy video! So, I wanted to drop an update to explain what's going on. I've gotten about halfway into a video covering more games from the Ukraine bundle, but then I had to suddenly set everything down and haven't been able to work the past three weeks. Short version: the health issues for someone I caretake for which I've vaguely gestured at multiple times in the past went into crisis mode this month. I will continue to be vague in my details, but it was a situation that required my full, undivided attention, and youtube/patreon thankfully leaves me with the flexibility to be able to just drop everything like that for a few weeks.

The good news: 1. You all aren't getting charged for April, seeing as I didn't actually, y'know, work during it. 2. The crisis has passed, my charge is now safely in the hands of capable professionals, and that means I'm able to hit the ground running with more time and freedom to devote to the channel again. More time and freedom than, frankly, I've had in years. I hope to catch up quickly and get back to a regular release schedule.

I'd like to thank everyone for their consistent patronage to the channel as I've worked through this multi-year chapter of my life, as well as people's understanding of the fact I don't care to divulge too many details about it. Youtube was probably one of exceptionally few lines of work that was flexible enough for me to keep doing it while also working as a caretaker, and your support has been monumental for helping me get through these long years. First Five took a bit of a backseat to those duties despite being my primary form of income, but looking forward, I hope to be able to grasp the channel's reins more tightly and start getting it back on track. See you in a week or two when I've got this Ukraine Bundle 2: Electric Boogaloo video done!


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