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Happy New Years, folks. Apologies I've been quiet for a bit. I've been deep in the content mines finally getting this one across the finish line! I was hoping to have it out a bit faster, but holidays did what holidays do best and ate a fair few weeks of my life. So we didn't have anything technically come out in December, but I hope the extra day or two of work didn't make for an unbearable wait! I hope you enjoy the finished project and don't mind the placeholder thumbnail. Between waiting yet another day to get this to patrons and just having a garbage placeholder thumbnail I'll replace for the full release, I opted for the latter.

Something like six months ago, I started working on this as a patron reward for hitting the $400 milestone, and at long last, I'm happy I can finally make good on that promise. It took far, far longer than I ever wanted for a lot of reasons. Not least of them being that, well, turns out Descent isn't nearly as enjoyable as I so fondly remembered it as a kid! It's not wholly without joy — there are a lot of very smart concepts going on here — but the video quickly became less about my fond memories growing up with the game and more an interrogation of why it lodged itself so firmly in my brain. It's simultaneously one of my prouder videos and also a video that I am so very glad to just be done with after all the long months of working on it.

Coming up next, I'll finally be doing all my end-of-year stuff...in January! Taking a look back at games from 2021 I never got to and covering the quarterly wrapup. Look forward to it folks!


The Violent Intimacy of Descent's Level Design

Descent is an immensely hostile and claustrophobic game, one that frequently likes to throw you into crowded rooms and tiny hallways with enemies five feet away trying to claw your face off. It creates a compelling enough vibe to lodge itself in my brain for over two decades, but it's also hampered by a lot of archaic game design that makes the game tough to chew. So I ask the question: Is it possible to keep everything that makes Descent great while cutting out the grognard-y nonsense?


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