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Another review is coming hot off the press right now folks. Hope you all enjoy! This time I checked out Let's Build a Zoo, a management sim that's exactly what it says on the tin, but with the added core conceit that you can mix and match different animals to create unholy abominations like the crocoduck or the capysnake.

I'll admit that I started working on this one with a little bit of trepidation. Its big hook looked like a pretty shallow gimmick and I wasn't particularly married to the pixel art, but it's by a publisher that's never steered me wrong before, so I gave it a shot. And man am I glad I did, because Let's Build a Zoo has so much more going on that it absolutely needs to be louder and prouder about. I came away immensely happy with this game and honestly feeling like it has less in common with its own genre, while reminding me far more of Stardew Valley in both what parts of the sim experience the game focuses on and its basic rhythm.

Next up is Moonglow Bay. After that, we'll see if we can fit the Descent video in by end-of-month. If it looks like it won't, though, I'll probably cover that game Unpacking that's been creating quite a bit of hubbub lately!


Five Hours In, Let's Build a Zoo Is the Next Stardew Valley

Let's Build a Zoo's big central conceit is the goofy idea of spicing up the zoo experience with gene-spliced Frankenanimals. Slap a chicken and a snake together and profit! But it turns out that the game's main hook is the least interesting decision it makes — from a morality system to an extremely detail-oriented approach, Let's Build a Zoo makes countless interesting and unique decisions laser-focused on getting you to actually inhabit the role of a zookeeper instead of impassively crafting an immaculately sculpted park from on high. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Let's Build a Zoo here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1547890/Lets_Build_a_Zoo/ #FirstFive #Let'sBuildaZoo #shortgames


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