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It's finally time for another one of these folks. I'm juggling other side projects like the Descent video (among other projects that just happened to fall on this month), so this one took a little longer to get out than I would've liked.

This time around, I'm checking out Dark Deity, which gives us a proper old school Fire Emblem revival. I always love to take a look at indie games "reviving" old, bygone game formats that AAA studios have largely moved on from. And while you might rightly note that Fire Emblem is far from dead, the series has changed a lot over the years, and those older titles are actually incredibly unique delicacies compared to a lot of what's happening in strategy games today. Dark Deity is here to pick up the slack, and they have a lot of ideas on how to make the game bigger and more complicated than its predecessors. But bigger isn't always better and complexity doesn't always equal depth, and so I was fairly whelmed by my time with Dark Deity overall.

Next up, it's going to be the quarterly wrapup! Always a good time.


Five Hours In, Dark Deity is Just Pretty Alright

Old school Fire Emblem has a very specific rhythm to it. It's a rhythm that even its own franchise has largely evolved beyond, but as Dark Deity shows, it's still a formula that can work and be entertaining. Unfortunately, Dark Deity pushes itself a little too far and sometimes confuses complexity for depth, bogging down an otherwise entertaining game. Overall, it's just kind of ok, but in such an underserved sub-sub-genre, even ok can sometimes be good enough. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Dark Deity here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1374840/Dark_Deity/ #FirstFive #DarkDeity #shortgames


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