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A bit of an extra video for you folks, but if you remember the last channel update I did almost a year ago (man, time sure flies), it's all the same information with 50% more urgency. The short version: First Five is still in the same place it was last year, and I'm starting to get a little nervous about it. Which means I'm reaching out to my subscriber base to ask for help, because if I'm still in the same place come next year, that's going to make it incredibly difficult to actually keep working on the channel.

This one's more for the subs than the patrons, as 1. you guys already donate, and I couldn't possibly ask for more from you folks, and 2. it's all mostly information I already told you guys a year ago. This was...a difficult video for me to put together for a lot of obvious reasons. It's not a fun topic anyone wants to talk about, it is on the manipulative side to make an ask like this, and honestly, I'm not even in a place where I can reasonably complain about how much I make. This patreon makes more than some channels orders of magnitude larger than it does, and the better method would be to actually grow the channel's subscribership. But growth's been trending the opposite direction of the way I wanted it to go this year despite the 10k milestone and I've still got bills to pay. So as upbeat as I keep myself 90% of the time in front of the camera, I do need help.

I don't want to end on a complete downer note, because as difficult as the year has been, it could have also been so much worse. And hey, we'll be returning to our usual programming next week with a review of the new Guilty Gear, so hey, there's that on the horizon!


First Five Needs Your Help! Channel Update June 2021

It's been a while since I've done one of these. The last one I made almost a year ago was just for patrons — which, hey, by the way, I've got a patreon! You can find it right here: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive I wish I could be making my first update in a year under better circumstances, but unfortunately, this isn't going to be one of those fun videos. Good things have been happening! We hit 10k subs the other day! The patreon is actually doing pretty well! I'm over three years into this thing and somehow not burnt out yet! But like it was for a lot of people, 2020 was an extremely long, unrelenting beatdown for me, and it's put First Five in a complicated position. Thankfully, it's something you can help with, so watch on, and if you're feeling particularly generous, pitch in a buck over on patreon. And if not, I understand! Times are tough for everyone right now. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview


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