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The latest review is live, and this time, I checked out Stronghold: Warlords, the latest in an ancient, long-dormant RTS franchise based around castle building. Personally, I found it to be a great ol' time, particularly because it's a fairly accessible game with a significantly lower execution floor compared to its peers. So often, it feels like the biggest barrier to enjoying RTS games is the fact I can't think and play at 200 actions per minute, but Warlords' unique approach to the genre sheds so many of the factors that contribute to that feeling, and that alone made the game feel like a worthwhile experience!

You also might have noticed some tweaks to the thumbnail and title style! Don't panic — it doesn't herald a shift in the content itself, just the branding. For a while now, the channel's done really well with you guys, the folks that show up week after week, but struggled to bring in new viewers. So! Clearly something isn't working here, so I'm trying out some new thumbnail styles and the like. Hopefully I'll find something that works better!

That's all for this time. Next up is Adios, an indie narrative about a guy who disposes of bodies for the mob trying to get out and start a fresh life and his best friend that's showed up to stop him from doing exactly that, one way or another. Look forward to it!


Five Hours In, Stronghold: Warlords is Hella Accessible (Review)

Stronghold: Warlords brings a long-dormant RTS franchise back into the spotlight. While it might not be terribly new for fans of the series, for anyone that's missed it in its decade-long absence, Warlords provides a fresh alternative to RTS genre — one that importantly feels accessible and not like it takes hundreds of hours to master and compete in. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Stronghold: Warlords here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/907650/Stronghold_Warlords/ #FirstFive #StrongholdWarlords #shortgames


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