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At long last, I'm rounding out the Year in Review with a look at Monster Train! This video ended up getting a bit of extra love — a longer script than usual, not one but two montages, and I even cracked open After Effects for the first time in months! Naturally, all of that happened because I had a lot to say about this game. Monster Train is an exceptional deckbuilder that's rightfully earned the attention it's gotten this year, but it also shaves a lot of the genre's more esoteric edges off...for better and for worse. I came down mostly on the side of "for the better," but there are a lot of implications to explore in how Monster Train tweaks its genre's core tenets!

Coming up next is everyone's favorite time of the year: the quarterly wrapup! Getting it out in a week is probably a bit ambitious as I haven't even started playing the games for it yet, but I'll be pushing it out as soon as I can!


Year in Review: Monster Train | The Blizzardification of Deckbuilders

Monster Train has gotten a lot of eyeballs since it came out almost a year ago, and rightly so. It's an exciting, fast-paced, and incredibly accessible game in a genre that tends to be more about esoteric micro decisions. In shaving off those nitty gritty edges, Monster Train has left behind a fair bit of the deckbuilder's appeal, but its own ideas and the sheer breadth of different ways you can approach the game's challenges make up for the shallowness of its metagame. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/firstfive Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirstFiveReview You can find Monster Train here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1102190/Monster_Train/ #FirstFive #MonsterTrain #shortgames


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