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Hello folks, another month is over of this increasingly frustrating, dystopian and hellish year, but at the very least that means it's time for an update of word counts and in general as well.

First, life update. This month has been... too put it mildly, hectic. Living on the farm means helping on it, and I've spent a lot of time helping run people and parts around, operate tractors, fix machinery, deal with cows, and all the other things that is required on a small family farm. This of course means that I'm just not getting the chance to write as much as I would like, sadly, and the numbers I'm mentioning in a moment will be proof positive.

That said, soon enough the rush to plant the fields should, if the weather holds, be done soon, and then I can get back to writing full time as the summer warms up, so that's good news! I already have a decent number of commissions lined up, so if everything goes well, that will be done and posted soon.

This also means that I've fallen behind on my goal of at least a short story a week for the year. There have been 22 full weeks so far, and according to my "52 Stories in 52 Weeks" tag, I only have 16 stories, so I'm a full six stories behind. I will do my best to make up for that in the next few months, so that I can still say that I wrote at least 52 stories every week this year (though, not quite a story a week... oops).

Also, The City. As some of you may have noticed, I haven't actually, well... updated it in a while. Unfortunately, I kinda picked a bad time to start introducing cameos into my stories, especially for busy friends who haven't had the time to actually read over and approve the chapter of an ongoing story. Therefore, I will be ending the cameos, and rewriting the previous chapter. Instead, I will be sticking with all original characters from now on, so I don't pressure friends who are busy and don't have the time to read and approve what I've been putting out. I'm sorry, and hopefully I can get The City back up and running again!

Now, finally: words. I finished five stories this month: two commissions, two chapters of the new Pick an Adventure, and the extra Alternate History story. Therefore, this month I wrote 18,949 words in total. This is just a slight decrease from April, and in total I've written 116,973 words so far in 2020.

Hopefully June will be the best month yet, and I'll get a whole lot more written and ready to post! Thank you all for sticking with me so far this year, and here's to another month!


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