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Hello folks! Today, now that I finally had time to put it together, I have a new project that I will be starting right away, with Patreon early access!

I'm going to call it "The City," about a large city, one of the last outposts of civilization in a post-apocalyptic world, after a major science experiment went horribly wrong, turning much of the people in the world into monsters, with a tiny fraction (2% or less) taking on anthropomorphic animal characteristics, but most of them being further blessed (or cursed) with additional characteristic, including Macro, Demonic powers, hyper and various shapeshifting/transformation abilities. This series will be very much NSFW, as you can most likely tell by now.

As for the Patreon early access, my plan is to post a short, 1000-2000 word story set in The City every so often during the month, with a goal of once a week. At the end of the month, I will collect all the stories into one document, and release it on Furaffinity and SoFurry.

These stories will be short, quick, most likely not very well edited, but hopefully with something that will pique your interest either way. Later I will be planning on writing bigger stories set in The City, but for now as a world building exercise you will be getting the shorter ones.

I hope to have the first story ready in the next few days, as well as some other features that I've been working on.

Stay tuned!


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