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LOve he rshirt x3...and i do hope you like this!

any feedback or sugegstions pelase tell me so i can draw it for you :D




I don't know? Any shirt BB wears is rockin'. Like that one. Maybe a film pop culture t-shirt?


Heh, awesome shirt. What about BB being interviewed for her heroism....and chest.


I really like those BustBird on everydau chores, so keep it up, as long as there are Burds around I am cool ^^ MMMM, on other questions, I see lots of Glasses BB lately, does she really need thyem? or just Clark Kenting?


Thats adorable X3


Awesome drawing there Jaeh and the shirt sure is cute. Suggestions? From me? Bigger is better! Fill out that couch, BB! With her boobs and her butt and her belly, too. Heck fill out her entire apartment. Does she watch TV often? Villains love messing with people through TV. Especially the kind of villain that would try to hypnotize BB into eating everything she can. You are listening to the sound of my voice, BB. You will order 500 pizzas and consume them all in one binge! Heck even if the villain wasn't targeting BB specifically a mass hypnotism event aimed at making as many people as possible order hundreds of pizzas and consume them could hit her too. Wowee I've gone off on a tangent.


I enjoy BB doing normal stuff pictures. Laundry day BB, uhhh other stuff that normal people do.


Please draw bb wearing cat lingerie

Coco Wren

Love the chirp shirt!


Work it chirp!

Xarnak Ansar

A lovely view as always. But I'm curious, does BB actually wear glasses like she does here regularly?