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You’re not reading it wrong, I got sick pretty bad not of COVID but because I needed a gallbladder and stones removal.

Two surgeries first one was easy but the second one was a touchy since they moved my insides so yeah it hurts to laugh, cough and sometimes to breath.

But thankfully I have been improving a lot, eating well and walking around the house in a slow pace of course.

I want to apologize if I haven’t uploaded an update or anything I couldn’t bring my iPad when I was at the hospital, so better late then never.

However I finished a pic before I got worse so I will be posting it at least this week, but for now I have to take it slow.

Thank you all for your support and hope to see you guys again!




Oh no, hope you are ok


Speedy Recovery to you

Marcus Wallace

It's good to hear your recovering, I hope you get better soon and hope your Insides are ok!


Atleast you're out of the woods now. Hope you make a painless recovery! My mom had the same thing happen to her just three months back. I heard the pain was awful!


Hope you feel better soon and take it easy

Eric Pinecones

Holy crap! Glad to hear you’re doing okay! I was wondering why the posts slowed down a bit. But don’t worry tho take your time to recover and take baby steps


Glad to hear your doing OK. Get better soon.


Glad to hear your ok and on the road to recovery


I glad to hear you are okay Jaeh. I’m sorry that happened. Hope you have a good and steady recovery.


No need to apologize, stones are no kidding matter and can be very painful, put all your effort into getting better, I'm sure most of us can wait a bit as this is out of your control. All best


Don't worry about it man, i'm just happy to hear that you are on the mend.

jordan biggs

Christ...that's horrifying to read. I'm really sorry this happened to you Jaeh. I really hope you'll be fully better in no time... >n<


0.0, no need to apologize. those things hurt like a bitch.

Xarnak Ansar

Glad the procedures went alright, rest up! ❤️


No need to apologize Jaeh, your health is way more important. Rest up and get better soon dude, sending good vibes your way.


Omg, glad you are alright man. yeah the art can wait the health is always number 1. Good to hear you are in good spirits.


Hope your recovery goes well!