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Hello everybody I do apologize to let you guys know that at the moment I am suffering a bit of stiffness on my wrist area which is why there hasn't been much posts lately.
Thankfully I went to a doctor today and there's nothing serious and his suggestions were rest and anti-inflammatory pills so I just need to rest for a couple of days and the posts will pop out more.
I managed to find new positions to work on my computer an exercises to help my wrist if I keep doing this more I'll be back in no time so I want to thank everyone for your patience and I hope I'll be back on schedule soon.
I hope everybody has a wonderful week and I'll see you guys very soon peace out.



Well that’s good to hear. Rest well and hope you get well Jaeh.


Make sure to give yourself all the rest you need! I hope you feel better soon


Get better soon

Mecha Kaiju X

R&R is important! take your time dude no worries ^^


Get well soon u deserve it for spoiling us so. ^^


Get some good rest, dude!


No worries dude. Take your time


Oh thank god you are ok! Scared me for a second there. I think we can all agree that you need to take care of yourself first and foremost and we won't blame you for it. Thanks for sharing the info too.


You do so much great work you don't need to worry about taking good care of yourself so you don't hurt yourself. We love you and understand and would never want you to do anything but the best for yourself!


No problem man! Healing is more important then work