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Juso had a bit of a makeover.

From barbarian to Bard 

I honestly love to draw music instruments and in the future i would like to give BB an instrument, what would you recommend?




Probably something that her massive breasts won’t hinder playing, like a flute.


Bird Bard: Tralalala! You may have heard of one like me That prances and dances and sings with glee Wherever the strife the singer is there She slaughters and slays with such merry flair I sing this song with all my breath Take heed, for this interlude ends with your death


Nice Bard ^^, as for busty bird aside from Bongoos I think she looks like a natural Bas player ^_-

Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

Perhaps BB should get something random and out there that doesn’t quite suit her, but she likes playing. Like bagpipes, or a dijeridoo. Or maybe a steel drum? Or a balalaika? Personally I like the Dijeridoo idea the best :P


Trumpet, Flute, sax, something she has to blow. Winky face


Juso is such a cute bird. I love to see more of her. As for instrument for BB, well I was see her playing her boobs like a bongo. So maybe something drum related. Though I love to see her play a violin. Guess play an instrument that she connects to.