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Hey guys! sorry to tell you but we're going on a quick trip and I didn't plan accordingly so sadly I have to postpone the art pack to July. I should be caught up again by mid July.

As always everyone that pledged during June will get the packs even if they stop supporting in July.

I'm sorry for all these delays, as you all can probably tell I'm very bad at time management haha. I was actually talking with my partner about this the other day and thanks to him I made an internal breakthrough and realized how badly I'm approaching art and the self. It was a whole journey and half but I hope that this helps me become a better artist and deliver great art for all you guys who greatly deserve it TwT (thank you all for sticking with me even in this trying times!!)

But yeah just wanted to let you all know that. Also don't worry there will still be daily or almost daily uploads with the sidequests and stuff so you won't notice anything!



you are always delivering great art!!


No worries! Pls take your time and enjoy the trip! You deserve rest :)